LOL... they don't enjoy it lets be real. A good percentage 80%-90% hate it. It's just like when they post limited availability in there ads. Its just for marketing as we all know. Most providers have told me if they had a good paying job they wouldn't be doing this. They have even told me they hate sucking off old & over weight sweaty men and really hate having sex with them. But its just fast money for them its what they say. Offer any provider in here a $200,000 per year income job and lets see who sticks around to suck off over weight men lol. Unless that's your thing lol but that's another topic lol.
Originally Posted by GSPMax
You guys... Lol. Idk where you got your percentage of how many providers HATE their job. I can tell you this much: a woman who is mature enough can see past the physical "imperfections". I put it under quotations because what you may consider undesirable such as weight or age, is not necessarily an issue AT ALL. I am so blind to an individual's exterior, you would not even imagine. I see the person. What I, and many of us, cannot get past, is poor hygiene. A nice person is FAR more attractive to me than one you could considered physically attractive and age has proven, over and over again, to be a plus, not a minus.
If you have providers who are talking bad about other clients, that's usually a way of trying to make you feel special, but you should also wonder if they may be doing the same about you...
Trust me, we do NOT see just anyone that throws money at us... If we have a client we rather not see again, there are many ways of doing so, so complaining about them and saying we just have to put up is not the case...
As for having a limited availability, well, me for example, there is only one of me, and there are only so many appointments a day that I will accommodate, and I only work so many days a month... So yes, my availability is limited. Some of us are available 24/7, but even they only have so many appts they will schedule a day... Marketing?
I am not saying we ALL love what we do, but do all ppl who make $200k a year LOVE what they do? We ALL have good and bad days, but the hobby affords many of us a very good quality of life that a $200k job wouldn't. And believe me, we are not all unable to do these jobs...