LexusLover's Avatar
I would give Clinton credit for the economic boom of the 90's in a heart beat if he actually did anything that directly led to the economic boom. He didn't. He just had the good fortune of being President during the tech boom, and while the housing bubble that burst in 2008 was starting to gather steam. He does get some of the credit, or blame rather, for the housing bubble - but look where that got us. Meanwhile, he had nothing whatsoever to do with the tech bubble. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
The "alleged" ... errr... "tech boom" was a bubble based on "funny money" from "funny" highly over-inflated paper. It paralleled the "pharmaceutical bubble." Brokerage firms were hyping "techs" and "pharmaceuticals" during that time with brokers encouraging "small" investors to buy, while placing sell orders for their "large" investors to SELL. That's not the first time brokers have pulled that stunt.

The economic downturn began in the Spring of 2000 by most any accounts, which the Clinton administration attempted to mask in the ramp up to the Fall General Election. Example: The BLS reported the September 2000 job numbers for the October 2000 report. Even over the Christmas 2000 holidays Clinton went ballistic publicly when Dick Cheney commented their first job was to address the economic problems facing the country with the recession. (Gore was still litigating the election results).

The "alleged surplus" was a failure to fund and pay authorizations by Congress. Example: If I don't pay my monthly household bills in April, I have a "surplus" in my household expense account in during April. Two critical areas (or perhaps 3) were "reviewed" by a subcommittee in the early (January) part of 2001: Border security, military readiness, and domestic law enforcement (Federal, state, and local). Here is a "PERFECT" EXAMPLE:


White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security FINAL REPORT
TO PRESIDENT CLINTON (Chaired by Al Gore)... and


Aired September 11, 2001 - 21:00 ET

"KING: Senator Kerry did your -- did you committee on international opertions and terrorism ever actually fear something like this?

"SEN. JOHN KERRY (R), MASSACHUSETTS: Absolutely. Absolutely.....

"We have always known this could happen. We've warned about it. We've talked about it. I regret to say, as -- I served on the Intelligence Committee up until last year. I can remember after the bombings of the embassies, after TWA 800, we went through this flurry of activity, talking about it, but not really doing hard work of responding."

The SAD REALITY is that JOHN KERRY is the "point man" for the Iranian bullshit, too!
  • DSK
  • 04-01-2015, 05:27 AM
The "alleged" ... errr... "tech boom" was a bubble based on "funny money" from "funny" highly over-inflated paper. It paralleled the "pharmaceutical bubble." Brokerage firms were hyping "techs" and "pharmaceuticals" during that time with brokers encouraging "small" investors to buy, while placing sell orders for their "large" investors to SELL. That's not the first time brokers have pulled that stunt.

The economic downturn began in the Spring of 2000 by most any accounts, which the Clinton administration attempted to mask in the ramp up to the Fall General Election. Example: The BLS reported the September 2000 job numbers for the October 2000 report. Even over the Christmas 2000 holidays Clinton went ballistic publicly when Dick Cheney commented their first job was to address the economic problems facing the country with the recession. (Gore was still litigating the election results).

The "alleged surplus" was a failure to fund and pay authorizations by Congress. Example: If I don't pay my monthly household bills in April, I have a "surplus" in my household expense account in during April. Two critical areas (or perhaps 3) were "reviewed" by a subcommittee in the early (January) part of 2001: Border security, military readiness, and domestic law enforcement (Federal, state, and local). Here is a "PERFECT" EXAMPLE:


White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security FINAL REPORT
TO PRESIDENT CLINTON (Chaired by Al Gore)... and


Aired September 11, 2001 - 21:00 ET

"KING: Senator Kerry did your -- did you committee on international opertions and terrorism ever actually fear something like this?

"SEN. JOHN KERRY (R), MASSACHUSETTS: Absolutely. Absolutely.....

"We have always known this could happen. We've warned about it. We've talked about it. I regret to say, as -- I served on the Intelligence Committee up until last year. I can remember after the bombings of the embassies, after TWA 800, we went through this flurry of activity, talking about it, but not really doing hard work of responding."

The SAD REALITY is that JOHN KERRY is the "point man" for the Iranian bullshit, too! Originally Posted by LexusLover
As usual it is very difficult to refute your posts. However, I still liked what happened when President Clinton was in charge.
LexusLover's Avatar
As usual it is very difficult to refute your posts. However, I still liked what happened when President Clinton was in charge. Originally Posted by DSK
You mean that it is ok to lie about getting a blow job at the office?
I B Hankering's Avatar
You mean that it is ok to lie about getting a blow job at the office? Originally Posted by LexusLover
No. He was referring more to Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's felonious abuse of power when he used this country's highest office -- the Presidency: solemnly charged with executing and enforcing this country's laws -- as his personal dais from which he did lie but also suborned perjury and obstructed justice.
  • shanm
  • 04-01-2015, 11:10 AM
As usual it is very difficult to refute your posts. However, I still liked what happened when President Clinton was in charge. Originally Posted by DSK
I see that LLIdiot decided to pat himself on the back today....once again!

If you don't see straight through this conspiratorial bullshit then you are just such an obvious scam.

Example: If I don't pay my monthly household bills in April, I have a "surplus" in my household expense account in during April. Originally Posted by LexusLover
No, LLIdiot. Nothing will happen if you don't pay your bills. There's no bills to be paid living under the I45 bridge.

These kind of reports come out every year; some public department asking for more funding than they actually need. This happens in every single corporation in the business world too. Department's almost always request excess funding. Then they work with management to end up at what management was suggesting in the first place (that's a running corporate joke).
In this case, it's the government's responsibility to decide how much goes to which department, and if you think a million here or a million there caused a $230 Billion surplus, then you are an even bigger dolt than I first presumed you to be. And that's saying something.

The tech bubble was directly caused by the expansion of the stock market under Clinton. Before his administration, owning stock was restricted only to the most affluent. Under Clinton, the middle class was brought into the stock market and that's where the tech firms got the investment to expand their DOW presence. Similar to it was the housing market. Clinton declared home ownership a basic American right. Banks were forced to give out mortgages to people who they wouldn't lend to otherwise. In other words, they were hesitant to lend to people with lower incomes. Compare that to the situation that caused the housing market bubble and subsequent collapse. Banks were overconfident in lending. They would lend to people who they KNEW wouldn't be able to pay them back only so they could repossess the home and sell it to the next unfortunate bidder. The only argument here is that Clinton's home ownership policy was so successful that it caused the banks to become overconfident and lend out to extremely risky buyers, but in that case, the perp is corporate greed, not a president who left office 7 fucking years ago.

It's funny to see you and SOTF try to discredit Clinton. Facts don't lie. Booming economy, growing middle class, controlled federal spending, budget surpluses, lowest crime rates, low unemployment etc etc (I could go on and on). It took several years of mismanagement under wilted shrub and his republican congress to fuck it all up. It's funny how you (LLIdiot) are so confident in blaming wilted Shrub's shortcomings on Clinton but you aren't willing to do the same (or even appear to) for President Obama. But that's just consistent with your hypocritical jackass self isn't it?

Clinton was the best thing that happened to this country since Abe Lincoln. If you need further proof that he was a great man with a good heart, just look at what he's done since he left office, with the Clinton Initiative. He's raised billions to help end poverty and world hunger. What has wilted shrub done since he left? Other than bbq burgers and ribs on his Texas ranch.

The fact that you even feel the need to discredit Clinton is shameful to say the least.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
ShamWow has an acute case of Kool-Aid poisoning and terminal Hillaroids.
LexusLover's Avatar
There's no bills to be paid living under the I45 bridge. Originally Posted by shanm
"There's no bills"? According to UC ... YOU'RE an IGNORAMUS.

You would know about "no bills" while "under the I45 bridge.

Run that through your "translator"
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-01-2015, 08:06 PM
No. He was referring more to Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's felonious abuse of power when he used this country's highest office -- the Presidency: solemnly charged with executing and enforcing this country's laws -- as his personal dais from which he did lie but also suborned perjury and obstructed justice. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And I see you have learned from the best! You lie more than BC could have imagined, and you unflinching support of slavery is a statement for what YOU would do with that kind of power. Bravo IB!!! I never would have bothered with this thread any more if I didn't have the revelation to read more of your great words of wisdom.

============================== ========
Oh great IB, I have seen the error of my ways. For too long I have not been diligent in studying at the feet of the master. From now on I will spend more time reading your posts and compiling the appropriate insights of others.

As we wander this earth we interact with many people. Most we see, touch, talk to,--and then they leave our lives with no lingering memories more than surface deep. But occasionally we find people that have some truly unique, moving aspect to them, and they form memories that linger with us forever. No matter how much we try to erase them. Just imagine the lasting impression you would have if you came face to face with Hitler. Of you were there when a crazed ax murderer hacked up a half dozen victims. Or you were dragged by your father to watch a lynching. Those memories are so scorched into the brain that they never truly fade with age.

We have one of those unique experiences here in the Political Forum—yes, one of those stench-ridden, puke inducing, liars who you wish you could hit “Delete” on, but they will always plague you the rest of your waking hours. And most likely your nightmares. Of course I could be talking about none other than IB The Hypocritical Hate Mongering Slave Supporting Maggot.

But this is bigger than any monologue I could write to the memory—the legend—the absolute revulsion that is IB. This should be a compendium to sing his praises (of curse his filth). I want this to be the best of the best description of what in means, what it emotes, to read the vomit he produces so precipitously. Not my words, but a living growing testament to him by those who (unfortunately for them) have to deal with him on a regular basis on here.

So I will add this as a pseudo footnote to may posts that respond to his posts. I will clip in comment that I think are especially touching in an IB appropriate way. I will not copyright this testament, but I freely offer it to all to copy and add to. Append YOUR innermost feelings so IB and all can know how much he is loathed—or conversely how little he is tolerated.

I suspect this will eventually grow into a sizable tome, but all things start small. Even IB at one time started with but a single post. Even the great Statin Island garbage heap started with a single piece of trash. That is the glorious legacy that IB brings to us, and this is intended to pay appropriate homage to IB the man, IB the legend, IB the scumbag.

The first entry in the memorial is this one:

“I know you like to digress every thread in to oblivion but I have no interest in following you into an Rush Limbaugh style conversation where you pile on whatever crap you want and whomever piles the most and the fastest wins.

I made a comment about people having a double standard and you want to replace it with a single example. If you want to dry hump someone verbally find another victim.”

By slingblade. Well done, sir. That will be hard to beat, but IB does inspire great depths of feeling.

All you who DO understand that the uniqueness (fortunately) of IB must be properly documented, I encourage you to take this humble piece of writing and spread it across the ends of the earth, adding whatever other choice pieces of commentary you think appropriate.

But please, I beg you, do not dilute the sacredness of this task by incorporating other posted as the subject. There may be others you feel strongly about, but there really is only one IB. This is HIS story! Live long and prosper, oh ye Ode to IB.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I have seen the error of my ways. [/I] Originally Posted by Old-T
That's really all you had to say, Old-THUMPER ... and don't forget how you hypocritically WK for those Confederate slave owners who were forced to migrate from Georgia with their slaves.
  • DSK
  • 04-02-2015, 06:40 AM
You mean that it is ok to lie about getting a blow job at the office? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Would have been better not to answer!!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-02-2015, 07:31 AM
That's really all you had to say, Old-THUMPER ... and don't forget how you hypocritically WK for those Confederate slave owners who were forced to migrate from Georgia with their slaves. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Again your stupidity shines like a beacon! No one HAS to say ANYTHING here. And in your case we would all be better off if you said nothing.

Interesting, you support stealing Cherokee lands because they are not white christians, so you use the "justification" that they had slaves. But you would crucify Lincoln for having the vile desire to take plantation slaves away from the Good Ol' Boys. What is you view of the former Lee plantation being "stolen" from the family for Arlington Cemetery? Why do you support different standards for native americans than you do for interloping southern plantation owners?

And you call me a hypocrite!

============================== ==========

As we wander this earth we interact with many people. Most we see, touch, talk to,--and then they leave our lives with no lingering memories more than surface deep. But occasionally we find people that have some truly unique, moving aspect to them, and they form memories that linger with us forever. No matter how much we try to erase them. Just imagine the lasting impression you would have if you came face to face with Hitler. Of you were there when a crazed ax murderer hacked up a half dozen victims. Or you were dragged by your father to watch a lynching. Those memories are so scorched into the brain that they never truly fade with age.

We have one of those unique experiences here in the Political Forum—yes, one of those stench-ridden, puke inducing, liars who you wish you could hit “Delete” on, but they will always plague you the rest of your waking hours. And most likely your nightmares. Of course I could be talking about none other than IB The Hypocritical Hate Mongering Slave Supporting Maggot.

But this is bigger than any monologue I could write to the memory—the legend—the absolute revulsion that is IB. This should be a compendium to sing his praises (of curse his filth). I want this to be the best of the best description of what in means, what it emotes, to read the vomit he produces so precipitously. Not my words, but a living growing testament to him by those who (unfortunately for them) have to deal with him on a regular basis on here.

So I will add this as a pseudo footnote to may posts that respond to his posts. I will clip in comment that I think are especially touching in an IB appropriate way. I will not copyright this testament, but I freely offer it to all to copy and add to. Append YOUR innermost feelings so IB and all can know how much he is loathed—or conversely how little he is tolerated.

I suspect this will eventually grow into a sizable tome, but all things start small. Even IB at one time started with but a single post. Even the great Statin Island garbage heap started with a single piece of trash. That is the glorious legacy that IB brings to us, and this is intended to pay appropriate homage to IB the man, IB the legend, IB the scumbag.

The first entry in the memorial is this one:

“I know you like to digress every thread in to oblivion but I have no interest in following you into an Rush Limbaugh style conversation where you pile on whatever crap you want and whomever piles the most and the fastest wins.

I made a comment about people having a double standard and you want to replace it with a single example. If you want to dry hump someone verbally find another victim.”

By slingblade. Well done, sir. That will be hard to beat, but IB does inspire great depths of feeling.

All you who DO understand that the uniqueness (fortunately) of IB must be properly documented, I encourage you to take this humble piece of writing and spread it across the ends of the earth, adding whatever other choice pieces of commentary you think appropriate.

But please, I beg you, do not dilute the sacredness of this task by incorporating other posted as the subject. There may be others you feel strongly about, but there really is only one IB. This is HIS story! Live long and prosper, oh ye Ode to IB.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Again your stupidity shines like a beacon! No one HAS to say ANYTHING here. And in your case we would all be better off if you said nothing.

Interesting, you support stealing Cherokee lands because they are not white christians, so you use the "justification" that they had slaves. But you would crucify Lincoln for having the vile desire to take plantation slaves away from the Good Ol' Boys. What is you view of the former Lee plantation being "stolen" from the family for Arlington Cemetery? Why do you support different standards for native americans than you do for interloping southern plantation owners?

And you call me a hypocrite!

============================== ==========

As we wander this earth we interact with many people. Most we see, touch, talk to,--and then they leave our lives with no lingering memories more than surface deep. But occasionally we find people that have some truly unique, moving aspect to them, and they form memories that linger with us forever. No matter how much we try to erase them. Just imagine the lasting impression you would have if you came face to face with Hitler. Of you were there when a crazed ax murderer hacked up a half dozen victims. Or you were dragged by your father to watch a lynching. Those memories are so scorched into the brain that they never truly fade with age.

We have one of those unique experiences here in the Political Forum—yes, one of those stench-ridden, puke inducing, liars who you wish you could hit “Delete” on, but they will always plague you the rest of your waking hours. And most likely your nightmares. Of course I could be talking about none other than IB The Hypocritical Hate Mongering Slave Supporting Maggot.

But this is bigger than any monologue I could write to the memory—the legend—the absolute revulsion that is IB. This should be a compendium to sing his praises (of curse his filth). I want this to be the best of the best description of what in means, what it emotes, to read the vomit he produces so precipitously. Not my words, but a living growing testament to him by those who (unfortunately for them) have to deal with him on a regular basis on here.

So I will add this as a pseudo footnote to may posts that respond to his posts. I will clip in comment that I think are especially touching in an IB appropriate way. I will not copyright this testament, but I freely offer it to all to copy and add to. Append YOUR innermost feelings so IB and all can know how much he is loathed—or conversely how little he is tolerated.

I suspect this will eventually grow into a sizable tome, but all things start small. Even IB at one time started with but a single post. Even the great Statin Island garbage heap started with a single piece of trash. That is the glorious legacy that IB brings to us, and this is intended to pay appropriate homage to IB the man, IB the legend, IB the scumbag.

The first entry in the memorial is this one:

“I know you like to digress every thread in to oblivion but I have no interest in following you into an Rush Limbaugh style conversation where you pile on whatever crap you want and whomever piles the most and the fastest wins.

I made a comment about people having a double standard and you want to replace it with a single example. If you want to dry hump someone verbally find another victim.”

By slingblade. Well done, sir. That will be hard to beat, but IB does inspire great depths of feeling.

All you who DO understand that the uniqueness (fortunately) of IB must be properly documented, I encourage you to take this humble piece of writing and spread it across the ends of the earth, adding whatever other choice pieces of commentary you think appropriate.

But please, I beg you, do not dilute the sacredness of this task by incorporating other posted as the subject. There may be others you feel strongly about, but there really is only one IB. This is HIS story! Live long and prosper, oh ye Ode to IB.
[/SIZE] Originally Posted by Old-T
Keep WKing for those Confederate slave owners who migrated west from Georgia with their slaves, Old-THUMPER.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-03-2015, 02:28 PM
Keep WKing for those Confederate slave owners who migrated west from Georgia with their slaves, Old-THUMPER. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The Cherokee are far from perfect, but last I looked they haven't been in the slave business for a century and a half. You Christian Thumpers have been sending them to Indian Schools and stealing their lands far more recently than that.

============================== ==========

As we wander this earth we interact with many people. Most we see, touch, talk to,--and then they leave our lives with no lingering memories more than surface deep. But occasionally we find people that have some truly unique, moving aspect to them, and they form memories that linger with us forever. No matter how much we try to erase them. Just imagine the lasting impression you would have if you came face to face with Hitler. Of you were there when a crazed ax murderer hacked up a half dozen victims. Or you were dragged by your father to watch a lynching. Those memories are so scorched into the brain that they never truly fade with age.

We have one of those unique experiences here in the Political Forum—yes, one of those stench-ridden, puke inducing, liars who you wish you could hit “Delete” on, but they will always plague you the rest of your waking hours. And most likely your nightmares. Of course I could be talking about none other than IB The Hypocritical Hate Mongering Slave Supporting Maggot.

But this is bigger than any monologue I could write to the memory—the legend—the absolute revulsion that is IB. This should be a compendium to sing his praises (of curse his filth). I want this to be the best of the best description of what in means, what it emotes, to read the vomit he produces so precipitously. Not my words, but a living growing testament to him by those who (unfortunately for them) have to deal with him on a regular basis on here.

So I will add this as a pseudo footnote to may posts that respond to his posts. I will clip in comment that I think are especially touching in an IB appropriate way. I will not copyright this testament, but I freely offer it to all to copy and add to. Append YOUR innermost feelings so IB and all can know how much he is loathed—or conversely how little he is tolerated.

I suspect this will eventually grow into a sizable tome, but all things start small. Even IB at one time started with but a single post. Even the great Statin Island garbage heap started with a single piece of trash. That is the glorious legacy that IB brings to us, and this is intended to pay appropriate homage to IB the man, IB the legend, IB the scumbag.

The first entry in the memorial is this one:

“I know you like to digress every thread in to oblivion but I have no interest in following you into an Rush Limbaugh style conversation where you pile on whatever crap you want and whomever piles the most and the fastest wins.

I made a comment about people having a double standard and you want to replace it with a single example. If you want to dry hump someone verbally find another victim.”

By slingblade. Well done, sir. That will be hard to beat, but IB does inspire great depths of feeling.

All you who DO understand that the uniqueness (fortunately) of IB must be properly documented, I encourage you to take this humble piece of writing and spread it across the ends of the earth, adding whatever other choice pieces of commentary you think appropriate.

But please, I beg you, do not dilute the sacredness of this task by incorporating other posted as the subject. There may be others you feel strongly about, but there really is only one IB. This is HIS story! Live long and prosper, oh ye Ode to IB.
  • DSK
  • 04-03-2015, 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I really liked the last picture but would have put (fascism)beside (modern) liberalism to distinguish them from real liberals.