Big brother will be watching!

Wayward's Avatar
The only really important part of this thread, is the pursuit of BDS's Like button by a couple of cats. The rest of it is just words.

Raphael like all frenchmen you are kind of ass up face down in that last post, metaphorically speaking of course. B-52's came into service in February 1955 or about a decade after WW II ended, you meant B-17s, B-24s, B-29s or British Lancasters. There was a little recorded history after the Renaissance partner.



Did Raphael just call me Hitler? Because that is the nicest Christmas present I've gotten in a very long time. Father Wayward's only response is Nein! But this does sound like one hell of a role play fantasy, just so you know, the "Lynch Mob" is always watching you.

We see the rest of this post as the same type of testicular fortitude that brought us the best government ever Vichy France; the self proclaimed État Français! Talk about killing your own people the french were masters at it. Now of course every froggy swinging dick was in the Resistance, but it was mostly just the hot French women.

The notion that in time of war, that some liberties and freedoms won't be trampled on, is delightfully european and deserves that same place europe occupies in any political discussion and that would be the shitter in the very back of the bus. What has made this country great is the ability to move from a war time setting back to a peace time one over and over. Hopefully we will see that again as our brave men and women bring al-Qaida to it's knees, make it our biotch and then remove it's head.

Then we can return to a more relaxed time and continue this lovely experiment we call democracy though superior fire power. If in the mean time Raphael has to be anally probed a few times in airport security we are all just going to have to live with that nightmare... or is it a nightmare? More the stuff dreams are made of?
LexusLover's Avatar
Uh Rafe.......B-17s, not B-52s. First B-52 wasn't invented till 15 years after WW2........... Originally Posted by starflash
Star, it is nonproductive to challenge dilusioned people directly and confrontationally.

Didn't you know?

Besides, he seems happy in "his world."
LexusLover's Avatar
The hitlerians made terribly effective use of that method. Originally Posted by Raphael
Are you really French?
Raphael's Avatar
Don't you bozos go whine when your involvements in the hobby land you in jail. Freedom is so unnecessary in times of war.

Nor will American generals ever gain the competence to beat small countries like Vietnam, if the bill of rights isn't abolished, immediately, and the constitution, repealed.

God, in fact, if the freedom of the lynchers and other guttersnipes to flame and trash this Internet isn't severely restricted, immediately, the brave men and women now fighting on the other side of the earth will get so distracted as to receive unnecessary bullets right in the middle of the face.
Wayward's Avatar
Raphael port is not the breakfast of champions, dude. I'm all for a little holiday cheer but you are seemingly blind drunk before 8 am.

Did you just play the Viet Nam card from that gallic deck in your head? Dien Bien Phu girlfriend, just sayin'
boardman's Avatar
You guttersnipe asholes don't know what you're talking about. I flew my first B-52 mission in 1913. It was a carpet bombing sortie over Hanoi during the Spanish-American war.
texxanguy's Avatar
The city and state leaders constantly are in the news talking about how broke they
are and more and more tax dollars or higher fee's are needed. Yet, they have the resources and money to spend on high tech toys like this. There was no report
on the cost involved, however, I bet it is substantial.
boardman's Avatar
Are we really trying to get back on topic.......really?
Raphael's Avatar
How many GI's have lost their lives this morning because the authorities have failed to abolish the first amendment right to stupidity of internet flamers and lynchers?

Nor will West Point produce officers competent to win the next war if Cadets are allowed to get distracted by the internet, TV, the press, libraries, schools, and other unwholesome, subversive, perverse institutions.

The only freedom true patriots, like Goebbels and the Homeland Security Czars should allow in time of war: the freedom to persecute European Jews, and American travellers.

And in time of peace we will be free to discuss how to insure the American Prison System gets bigger than the Chinese prison system. True patriots wouldn't want people like that to ever top good Americans.

In fact, we should also discuss releasing the rapists and the burglers and the murderers, so as to make more room for opinionated people, perverts and the subversive traitors who make jokes in airports.

What will we do with the murderers, the rapists and the burglars when they are released?

My, we'll enroll them in the Army, dummy. As they are experienced in what good soldiers and true patriots do: killing, raping, and looting.

(As it has been admitted this is not and should not be a serious site, I will refrain from asking the billion dollar question: is the will of the Bush family to use the Armed Forces to force a settlement in the Middle East worth the sacrifice of the Freedoms of the American People?

Especially when the failure of four presidents in a row to force a settlement in the area - and now Central Asia as well - has been all too painfully exposed...)
Wayward's Avatar
Are we really trying to get back on topic.......really? Originally Posted by boardman
Why have I started feeling just a little gay now, when I hit the like button on your posts?

I would also like to formally apologize to the board at large for putting a quarter in Raphael this morning.
I would also like to formally apologize to the board at large for putting a quarter in Raphael this morning. Originally Posted by Wayward
I enjoy reading the ramblings of the mentally-impaired, so no apology necessary.
boardman's Avatar

I would also like to formally apologize to the board at large for putting a quarter in Raphael this morning. Originally Posted by Wayward

Now that the Pussy Posse has been all but eliminated by our wonderful Wakeup, Raphael becomes more important and therefor more powerful than we ever imagined.

Rant on Raphael. The ammunition you supply is precious.
Raphael's Avatar
I should also propose the city's new drone airplane be armed with missiles. Fining and jailing people who fail to renew their inspection stickers or come to full stop at stop signs is no longer good enough. Blowing up American traffic violators now is the only way to prevent Al Qaeda from blowing up more GI legs later, all true patriots know that.
boardman's Avatar
You better do more than licking my like button!! Originally Posted by babydollsnow
That's just the appeteaser to be followed by some serious POUNDING of your RTM.
Raphael's Avatar
Ah! America! Such a wonderful cowntry. The home of the brave - and the land of the body searched...