The only really important part of this thread, is the pursuit of BDS's Like button by a couple of cats. The rest of it is just words.
Raphael like all frenchmen you are kind of ass up face down in that last post, metaphorically speaking of course. B-52's came into service in February 1955 or about a decade after WW II ended, you meant B-17s, B-24s, B-29s or British Lancasters. There was a little recorded history after the Renaissance partner.
Did Raphael just call me Hitler? Because that is the nicest Christmas present I've gotten in a very long time. Father Wayward's only response is Nein! But this does sound like one hell of a role play fantasy, just so you know, the "Lynch Mob" is always watching you.
We see the rest of this post as the same type of testicular fortitude that brought us the best government ever Vichy France; the self proclaimed État Français! Talk about killing your own people the french were masters at it. Now of course every froggy swinging dick was in the Resistance, but it was mostly just the hot French women.
The notion that in time of war, that some liberties and freedoms won't be trampled on, is delightfully european and deserves that same place europe occupies in any political discussion and that would be the shitter in the very back of the bus. What has made this country great is the ability to move from a war time setting back to a peace time one over and over. Hopefully we will see that again as our brave men and women bring al-Qaida to it's knees, make it our biotch and then remove it's head.
Then we can return to a more relaxed time and continue this lovely experiment we call democracy though superior fire power. If in the mean time Raphael has to be anally probed a few times in airport security we are all just going to have to live with that nightmare... or is it a nightmare? More the stuff dreams are made of?