passable means she has a dick, right?

offshoredrilling's Avatar
+13472464134: hey babe, u over 18 right?
+13472464134: So, before we meet, send me a msg on for my safety. I have more pics on there too, with my face. my profile on there is mizzcutie234

The bot answered my text ad is driving traffic to ... but if you guys find a tranny who looks like taht and plays D&D I'm in. Originally Posted by doctorisin
darn Moriarty Celso was right
rke324's Avatar
+13472464134: hey babe, u over 18 right?
+13472464134: So, before we meet, send me a msg on for my safety. I have more pics on there too, with my face. my profile on there is mizzcutie234

The bot answered my text ad is driving traffic to ... but if you guys find a tranny who looks like taht and plays D&D I'm in. Originally Posted by doctorisin
A bit of a drive from the thriving metropolis of Binghamton but . . . .

I met Lucy a couple of years ago in a bar off Young St. when I was up there for the Stones concert. I thought there was no F'n way in hell she was a he / she. She's got a hot European accent. And yes, the pics are real in her add and website.

Lucy was with Suzie Hung, another TS girl. Her pics are real in her add and website too.

Now let me be clear here. I personally have never had any desire to do a TS but I've got to admit, they were both hot looking and it's a good thing I quit drinking years ago or

doctorisin's Avatar
no you didn't dlm, its not a real ad... but youre welcome, pay more attention, and look for TS, FF, or passable in ads b4 you go and get urself a big ole surprise... there are TSes advertising in bin from time to time ;0 )
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The least believable thing about that ad is that the hook doesn't look like a stroke victim or a farm animal. Binghamton is the Calcutta of the hooking world at this point.
generalbob's Avatar
+13472464134: hey babe, u over 18 right?
+13472464134: So, before we meet, send me a msg on for my safety. I have more pics on there too, with my face. my profile on there is mizzcutie234

The bot answered my text ad is driving traffic to ... but if you guys find a tranny who looks like taht and plays D&D I'm in. Originally Posted by doctorisin
Russian Rayna out of Buffalo. Beautiful face, great man mades, ass to die for and harmless little dick.
Lexxxy's Avatar
I don't care if this chick has a dick, I'd do her.

Life's just one big role playing game, and I need transvestite experience points to level up. Originally Posted by doctorisin
I'd do her on the grounds that she plays d&d and keeps her dice in a crown bag!
  • Bluee
  • 10-18-2015, 07:28 PM
... but if you guys find a tranny who looks like taht and plays D&D I'm in. Originally Posted by doctorisin

Wouldn't that be the Russian Rayna from Lackawana?

Now, you have to live up to what you said...
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Supermodel by Binghamton standards.
Rayna is terrible. Just awful. Unless you're into a SP reading texts while you're f'ing her
doctorisin's Avatar
Wouldn't that be the Russian Rayna from Lackawana?

Now, you have to live up to what you said... Originally Posted by Bluee
you go and confirm she plays d&d first.... then i'll take your sloppy seconds...

harmless little dick---> whats the point then? i've already had sex with a girl with a huge clit. LOL.

merge with the POLE thrAD?
doctorisin's Avatar
ThreAD? LOL. Hey JonBalls... you mad bro? Let's kiss and make up.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Wish I liked Smokin pole!!! Originally Posted by doctorisin
I don't care if this chick has a dick, I'd do her.

Life's just one big role playing game, and I need transvestite experience points to level up. Originally Posted by doctorisin
but if you guys find a tranny who looks like taht and plays D&D I'm in. Originally Posted by doctorisin
I'd let you rest your hand on my knee, but I'm not into fat chicks boo
I'd let you rest your hand on my knee, but I'm not into fat chicks boo Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I love a busty redhead...whoever the person in that ad really is mmmmMMMM.