Your TCB sucks

@Ralphyboy: So why are you wasting your time repeatedly responding to a post that you yourself says has no point? We all got the point with your last post that you're a condescending prick. So it's time for YOU to move on. Originally Posted by Monkey_Man

yes, I am a condescending prick, but your dumb ass still does not get it.
that is why I am responding again. because you are dumb!. and I am not going away.. You sound just like a Libtard.. afraid of the truth and your little feelings got hurt because someone does not agree with you.

and your the dumb ass crying here on an open forum about a Provider being 15 min late??? grow the fuk up!! that is fuking funny!!!.

You are the dumb ass who actually believes these Providers care about your two cents of cry baby postings.... they laugh at you!!! trust me on this!!! you sound pathetic.
You are obviously a Newbie with no experience doing this,...... I have been on these types of boards for 18 years now.. and I have yet to see a TCB Forum..I do like you naivete....its very cute.

If every john came here crying about this. we would have 100 threads a month about how Patty Provider did this and that....

and Wind yes, we value pussy more than they value $$. isn't that obvious?? Women have half the $$ and ALL the pussy, so yes they are Driving the Bus!!
Whispers's Avatar
If every john came here crying about this. we would have 100 threads a month about how Patty Provider did this and that.... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
But if every guy burnt were to add his experiences to a single thread then you would have an easily searchable place to check...
afraid of the truth and your little feelings got hurt because someone does not agree with you. Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
I have no doubt that you are, in your own mind, the sole arbiter of "the truth" and center of the universe, but just because I recognize your condescension doesn't mean my feelings were hurt. I mean, did I include the sad face or crybaby emoticon?

and your the dumb ass crying here on an open forum about a Provider being 15 min late???
Not surprisingly, given your curiously incorrect and inconsistent use of punctuation, spelling, and grammar, your rhetorical question indicates that you did not read my post above very carefully. But with three question marks, you were certainly emphatic.

You are the dumb ass who actually believes these Providers care about your two cents of cry baby postings....
Actually, it was much more than two cents that was offered (see post above), but I can see that this reading comprehension thing is really a problem for you, so let me suggest that you consult

You are obviously a Newbie with no experience doing this,
You're wrong again, but I have enjoyed playing this game of Who Can Be More Supercilious!