Married or engaged providers ruin my fantasy(so do one's with boyfriends)

I guess I come from a completely different mindset as I'm married but my wife knows that I do this. If I was to judge the private lives of others then I would be a hypocrite. Because I know that eventually thinking in such a way will come back to bite me.

I get the part about wanting it to fill like a relationship when you are with a paid lady but remember they are selling a fantasy. It is not a real bond.

The illusion that you are trying to justify does not sound healthy... For anyone.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@danielle the dimepiece aka Jada Jewels was......she wolf.but hey she had a ring on her finger also and most likely had a man. 10-20.....more like 20-40
kusmaldo's Avatar
@danielle okay buy does kitty have a ring? Does kitty kitty needs to learn obedience then
kusmaldo's Avatar
@Permision your married? Okay and your marriage is an illusion.Well in your case kudos hobbying is a drug you use to escape marriage.Thus I prove my point

@Danielle I prefer T'Challa
@permission cook?ford?cable?what?!!! Im talking about a female here not material possesions. I guesd in this case a blow up doll would suffice instead of a person. Yes Im innocent and single Originally Posted by kusmaldo
Judging by your posts here YOU, sir, do not know how to differentiate between a PERSON and a possession. Relationships are defined by the people in them. If you don't agree with how another couple conducts their life, fine... Don't conduct YOUR life that way. But seriously, to come HERE and pass that kind of judgment? Really? Do you realize how hypocritical you are acting right now? The fact that you are here to begin with certainly negates your claim of being 'innocent'... But I can absolutely see why you are single...
@Permision your married? Okay and your marriage is an illusion.Well in your case kudos hobbying is a drug you use to escape marriage.Thus I prove my point

@Danielle I prefer T'Challa Originally Posted by kusmaldo
I will just say that my wife and I have a valid medical reason to no longer engage in intercourse, and after three years it was her idea for me to get relief from someone who is a professional and considerate to the situation.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@Vegas Jen Im not passing judgement on anyone.Just well feelings get involved and you care for them,then boom!# I have someone you were just a pawn.another notch on my belt.Im not mormon you know
kusmaldo's Avatar
I will just say that my wife and I have a valid medical reason to no longer engage in intercourse, and after three years it was her idea for me to get relief from someone who is a professional and considerate to the situation. Originally Posted by Permission2Look
@ permission okay does the provider know this
I would assume so
@ permission okay does the provider know this
I would assume so Originally Posted by kusmaldo
Why would it matter? WE are not looking for a relationship here. This is not a dating site... I (as an example) certainly care about my clients and I go to great lengths to establish a connection before we ever even meet. But that connection is not binding... Ever... This whole game we play here is for FUN... And from the provider's side it is also profit. Its a job and just like any job, at the end of the day we return to a private life that is separate. And that is ok...
Yes they do. It is in my preferred411 details along with the fact my wife actually suggested one or two.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@Jen oh the stories we tell ourselves!! In reality I dont think you even have a bf on the outside.You know you will hook up with a client.For Petes sake they spend more on you then your out of the game man does,that or your playing them
kusmaldo's Avatar
@permission hmmm sounds like you are just bored and seek to spice up your relationship.Either that or a.......vasectomy
My use of the word private in my last post was no accident... PRIVATE = none of your business... But I will say this, sex and companionship alone do not equal love. They are important things we all need, but only small parts of what a true relationship requires. Parts that I am happy to share with those who find it lacking in their RW lives. Beyond that, there are far greater levels of intimacy and trust that I reserve for my personal world. I am independent and stubborn. Anyone who enters my life can either accept that about me or move on. To each their own... That os enough (too much, really) about me though... This post was supposed to be about your issues, correct?
Chung Tran's Avatar
well, I was crushed when I found out Anson Williams was married.. I had been reading in Tiger Beat that he didn't even have a girlfriend!

anyone can choose to see or not see a Provider, based on whatever criteria he chooses.. I would not knowingly see a married Provider, or an engaged Provider.. despite the seeming hypocrisy, I wouldn't want to intrude on another guys' woman.

with that said, I'm planning on a visit with a Provider whom I know has 2 male roommates.. I just hope the Dudes are into each other..
kusmaldo's Avatar
@Chung finally someone who sees my point.
You would feel guilty and it would seem wierd.I mean she is proboly imaging its him while with you.The roommates thing it proboly is platonic