Awww... I hope you meant that with friendly handshake.being pure logical is like Data from star trek, how do you enjoy life?BCPL you are caustic. You seem to run by cold logic... that's all right but appreciate the beauty in life once in a while rather than getting sucked off by hot girl and kicking her right out after you finish. There is no point in conversing I understand or spending more time but enjoy everything in passing rather than just fulfilling an end. Life would be fucking boring then.
I'm fucking bored... need some dopamine injection to my pleasure center STAT
BCPL, in other words, lighten up a bit. Let Dirty Dog criticize...
Shrug... I find this amusing all the way. I can't tell when people are serious here.... well some of the time... hopefully BCPL you don't mean half the shit you say... You'd be just a shitty guy to be around if that's the case
No offense... I'm just here to bring the joy around.
I think I'm glad Charlie didn't pass HIV to the children. That would suck big time. I would hate to have that on my conscience.
Don't worry... Charlie is paying big time for this major fuck up. Wonder how he got it... does he know??
Did he find the guy/gal who gave it to him? If I were him, I'd like to know where it all went downhill, you know... human nature and all. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
I knew a guy like that, in real life, engineer, but he was big and he got ladies, but had no sense of humor, and real issues with just small talk
high IQ, low EQ
nah, I'm both logical and full of feelings..
See, I used believe in people. I’m now hiply cynical and I make easy, snide remarks. I used to prefer to think that people are good and be disappointed once and again but I reached my breaking point, and I'm just tired of having my emotions twistedas I was suckered by a gal not too long ago..
Or maybe I';ll revert to how I was, I got canceled on by a gal who I paid half in advance so she could *sob story* so I'm horny and in a bad mood
but I'm seeing someone this weekend, so I'll feel better later
wheres the fn coffee?
WAITRESS!! Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
no big deal, but at the time I really felt for her.
that's what gets me about the people around here, such low self-esteem...why else do they take so much time/effort to call other posters names by responding to posts?
Why not just be useful or say nothing?
Dirty dog is a prime example,,,I think he moved away after failing at something, but the poor guy is troling constantly to make himself feel better
poor dude
When i feel blah, I get hungry, and take a few mg of nicotine rockets the dopamine......