Question for the men

franksandbeans's Avatar
This is true to a certain extent. However, by law we must all carry at a minimum liability insurance. That is a requirement set by all states. Yes, if you wreck the car you may(more like will need to leave your deductible behind). And, they may harass you a bit.

But, the above being a given, the rental car company would need to prove at a minimum "loss of use" of the vehicle. In other words, they would need to prove that all of their cars were rented, and that car you wrecked caused a loss of revenue. If they have just one car on the lot, that is rental ready they would lose the argument every time in civil court. The judge would say " albeit, the vehicle was damaged by said party, you have failed to prove that this caused a loss of revenue. Your company had vehicles available to rent, and you failed to rent them. Therefore, I find in favor of the defendant minus the deductible already paid".

Again, I am just posing a different view point. There is also, the right thing to do. Which is in my original post..
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Ditto! BigMike!

" Little "Bean" it's getting close to the time your hormones are going to get a little crazy. Boys/Girls are going to start being attractive to you, and your going to want some. This is a condom and this will keep you;
A. Free from diseases you don't want. And
B. Free from having to have this conversation with "Bean III", later in life.
So, wrap it up and have fun out there my little "bean" "

My 2 cents LMAO!!!! Originally Posted by franksandbeans
Yeah, I gave mine a super size box of condoms. Told him it didn't mean I was condoning it, but if he did, he better wrap it.

On April fools day - which I had forgotten the date - he told me he was going to be a dad. Had me going, the little shit.
franksandbeans's Avatar
Yeah, I gave mine a super size box of condoms. Told him it didn't mean I was condoning it, but if he did, he better wrap it.

On April fools day - which I had forgotten the date - he told me he was going to be a dad. Had me going, the little shit. Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
Now that's funny!!!
I really don't think we have much choice in the matter. If the woman wants an abortion, the man can't prevent it. If the woman keeps the baby, the man is on the hook for child support.
dirty dog's Avatar
You take care of the baby.... simple as that. Take responsibility for the decisions you make.
kccountryboy's Avatar
I think that it is a decision that should be mutual. I personally would not want to abort, however, I am not the one who will be carrying the child. If the woman decided she wanted to abort, I will not make her carry the child. While it may be possible to make her carry the child, via court order, I would not want to put her through that. If she chose to have the child, I would do whatever it took to support her and the child. I would also want to be in that child's life. If the woman wanted to carry the child and then put up for adoption, I would happily adopt it. I have adopted before, and would be more than happy to do it again.

I had a girlfriend in highschool that I caught cheating on me with a best friend of mine. I let it play out for couple of months and confronted her about. She came clean, "because the guilt was killing her". I ended the relationship there and never saw her again after highschool. A few years later we saw each other out and about. We met for drinks later and caught up a little. Her idea, not mine. Over the course of the conversation she admitted to me that she found out a couple of weeks after we stopped seeing each other that she was pregnant. However, she was still seeing my former best friend at the time. She had an abortion at the pressure of her new beau. She claimed that she broke up with him after that. Strange thing is, I often wonder if the kid was mine, but I guess I will never know. I don't know if she did the right thing or not, I don't even know if the kid was mine. I never will. However; if I hadn't confronted her, I don't know if I would be raising my own kid or someone elses right now either. I could tell in talking to her that she still had a great deal of remorse in the procedure. Guess that's just the way it goes sometimes. Karma can be a bitch I guess.
growler's Avatar
Very insteresting question.
First I have to say , what a great thought, that you are the only one she is seeing. Talk about an ego boost LOL. The real question is would you accept the child as your's. The easy answer a course is yes. "Man Up" as we men like to say to each other LOL. Financially yes without a doubt. That the easy part. Being a Father, supporting her emotionaly as the mother. Being a active part of the child's life, is quite another matter.

The turth is to embrace the child, and bring him or her into your life, would in all likelihood destroy your marriage.Cause pain, and possible rejection from your other children......I've often thought about this. Having seen first hand, what it's like for a child, not to ever know their Father. I'm fond of saying that, I take responsibility for my actions & blame no one. So if I was faced with my "John Edwards moment" though it would undoubtly change my life, for the rest of my life. I wouldn't turn my back on my child or her as a Mother.
Definitely would help take care of the child if it was mine and would probably help out a lot even it it wasn't (assuming there was some relationship and mutual respect, which, given your hypo, I assume there is).
deepDARKdesires's Avatar
I agree with the majority here, ultimately it is the responsibility of both the mother and me. One has to be responsible for their actions. I also agree that there should be lengthy discussion between me and the mother about what options are available, and should or should not be considered. But bottom line is, man up, take responsibility.
Badboy_71's Avatar
Like I said in a previous forum, I think the man has 49% say when it comes to having an abortion, if that much. I'd keep it at max level for these circumstances since there are child support issues at stake. I would definitely encourage an abortion, but in the end, I'd be at the mercy of her decision. If she decided to have the child, I'd be compelled to own up to it, which would make it a life-altering event: divorce, child support, etc. But, truth be told, I don't know what I'd really do, you only know that when you're under the gun.
One thing I'd wonder, though, is if she deliberately got pregnant. You hear about these rich athletes who end up supporting many "love children", makes you wonder, if she perceives you have disposable income, that you can support her while she's raising your child.
This is tough for me - this is the trick my ex used to trap me. She needed to escape a bad - atleast in her 18 year old mind - a bad home situation. And being the dumb/innocent teen that I was, I got too close and she used me for 38 years before I saw what was going on and got out.

If reasonable/appropriate precautions were taken, it would be a no-fault situation? IF they were not, a whole different ball park.....who ever was at fault would need to take on the responsibility
Badboy_71's Avatar
That leads to another question, perhaps for another forum: How many ladies would (or know someone who would) try to trap a man by getting pregnant?
Longermonger's Avatar
That gets back to my earlier post about DNA testing. Just because SHE knows 100% who the father is doesn't mean HE does. And this thread is about HIM making a decision. You wouldn't want to be the guy that made that decision based solely upon what she said. Only 99.999% of women are honest. Nobody wants to be "that guy" on Jerry Springer.

In this scenario the mother-to-be is a provider. Is she going to stop? Are you going to marry her and make an "honest woman" out of her? Or are you just going to pay her off?
dirty dog's Avatar
Guys her statement that she knows for a fact (for argument sake) indicates that all methods of paternity have been used and the baby is yours, now answer her question, do you take care of it, abort it etc. The question of paternity has been answered.