Incense Lost but How?

Savannah Moon's Avatar
In light of the screen shots I have trouble grasping how you two guys can even suggest that I did something wrong. Absolutely flabergasted!

Whew! Originally Posted by dumars
Maybe you should work on your approach ... Was your intent to turn people against me I've been on this board as long as you have si...r actually longer I joined in 2010 I will defend myself and I will stand up for things that I believe in
I have never in the six years that I have been meeting with gentlemen ever had an encounter where I had any kind of conflict face to face!!!!I've never put anybody in danger√
I don't use utilize substances that cause people issues√
I do not have a pimp√
The only situation that anybody ever has against me is because I stand up for myself VIRTUALLY or I stand up for things that I thoroughly believe in LIKE SENDING LIFE SAVING INFORMATION QUICKLY.
. And if that's all you have ......seriously, I don't think this was about me. I think this is about you and your approach the way that you come across when you say the things that you say....... otherwise you wouldn't have the signature line that you have
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
... I have trouble grasping how you two guys can even suggest that I did something wrong. Absolutely flabergasted! Whew! Originally Posted by dumars
So you don't understand that a guy intentionally hacking off one of the gals is not that guy's problem?
dirty dog's Avatar
So just to make sure I am understanding this correctly. Your (Dumars) defending yourself from a situation that you instigated LOL... Wow.,
Sorry, have to defend myself, regardless of potential consequence. Originally Posted by dumars
In light of the screen shots I have trouble grasping how you two guys can even suggest that I did something wrong. Absolutely flabergasted!

Whew! Originally Posted by dumars
#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.

For those others who are reading and commenting, there is no guideline prohibiting any member from being a jerk or a bitch, it is how those characteristics manifest themselves in words or actions (even the ever so predictable white knight reactions) that can run afoul of the preferred standards of behavior on the site.

It would be wise to cease the insults and avoid name calling.
Sorry, have to defend myself, regardless of potential consequence. Can't let this go. Just too stupid!

I've NEVER felt a need to defend myself from ANY lady in 15 years. This one would be a first. Although, lady's hitting conclusions or context out of the park has been seen before.

No, I'm not smart but I am familiar with my native tongue. Even at almost 67 I do pretty good.

Only thing I have to say about any of this is HOLY PHUCK'N SHIT!

Another one liner I like. "Go with what you know, not what you think!" Goes well with "assumption". Originally Posted by dumars
Told ya

MY work is done back to Game of Thrones
Savannah Moon's Avatar
I didn't see any name calling
But I knew it would ride out for hours and the portion that was not even supposed to be posted
Still there did I foresee this
Thus my words "avoid name calling". We don't remove that type of content.
Third party re-iteration being what it is, I would venture to guess this conversation started as a comment on the ambiguity of providers who choose or choose not to identify themselves with their photos or faces as such. Even with an image of the back of someones head maybe their family wouldn't recognize them being in that image because they may have ingrained an image of their loved one that differs from what said loved one is and changes based on what they are choosing to reveal.

Savannah took offense to the remark because it came from the "assumption" that she does not share her entire life, hobby and all, with even the closest of her family and they couldn't possibly have the full knowledge of her that exists.

If I may say so myself, the comment he made came out a little presumptuously and dares to say what is known about Savannah when it is obviously an assumption. It goes both ways, I'm afraid.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
I understood exactly what he was saying & responded accordingly.
Sorry if his attempt to twist it up failed..not my problem
This is something I have NEVER done! In the interest of self defense I had to put this PM up here. Could've put it in the Men's lounge but no, here is good.

Originally Posted by dumars

self defense against whom?

your post is not clear about wtf happened and why you are so upset

this thread is so bad that by reading this thread has made everyone stupider
[QUOTE=johnnyretard;1058116104]self defense against whom?

Exactly? Who exactly are you needing protection or self defense from Dumars?

I mean seriously, if you dont say $hit or post anything, especially in Coed, this all stays between you and Savannah. That would have been your self defense.
This is about the stupidest shit I've ever read. Honestly, Savannah why were you even on the boards on Mother's Day?? And why would you take offense to his opinion when you gave your opinion earlier saying it makes no sense for those of us with tattoos to blur our face and not our tattoos. I could take offense to that but I didn't cause it's elementary to me really. This entire thread is elementary!
Savannah Moon's Avatar
This is about the stupidest shit I've ever read. Honestly, Savannah why were you even on the boards on Mother's Day?? And why would you take offense to his opinion when you gave your opinion earlier saying it makes no sense for those of us with tattoos to blur our face and not our tattoos. I could take offense to that but I didn't cause it's elementary to me really. This entire thread is elementary! Originally Posted by Gemma34
I was actually on easy setting up appointments for DOUBLES with VYVIAN...answering personal messages and setting up my week that is what I was doing on eccie!!!
I think I had too much serotonin going through my body
zeejoe's Avatar
Savannah Moon's Avatar
I'm actually UP for some WET & WILD ENCOUNTERS today so
Catch you on the fly