You fucking people kill me, you drop to 250 On an upstate VP that has been recycled over and over and over again yet when somebody new wants to come to the area oh my fucking God she cost 300 an hour I can't pay for that.Where people slammed her only gave honest opinion of the probably of booking her if she came here which is I believe what she was after.
This chick has five pages of positive reviews yet no one will take a chance because she cost 300 bucks an hour, SMH!!
I have my range when I have the money to see girls and if I wanna see someone that charges what she does I will, doesn't mean you have to come here and slam her for her prices.
Not everyone is a broke John that uses this site. Originally Posted by Iso#1gfe
I kinda found it ironic u slamming guys for spending 250 on what u called recycled girls when ur only reviews over 150 hr girls are well tested locals Sadie Polly and Kayla Ryder while ur remaining reviews could be categorized as budget dates. Ijs