Would I be welcomed???

You fucking people kill me, you drop to 250 On an upstate VP that has been recycled over and over and over again yet when somebody new wants to come to the area oh my fucking God she cost 300 an hour I can't pay for that.
This chick has five pages of positive reviews yet no one will take a chance because she cost 300 bucks an hour, SMH!!
I have my range when I have the money to see girls and if I wanna see someone that charges what she does I will, doesn't mean you have to come here and slam her for her prices.

Not everyone is a broke John that uses this site. Originally Posted by Iso#1gfe
Where people slammed her only gave honest opinion of the probably of booking her if she came here which is I believe what she was after.

I kinda found it ironic u slamming guys for spending 250 on what u called recycled girls when ur only reviews over 150 hr girls are well tested locals Sadie Polly and Kayla Ryder while ur remaining reviews could be categorized as budget dates. Ijs
Iso#1gfe's Avatar
Where people slammed her only gave honest opinion of the probably of booking her if she came here which is I believe what she was after.

I kinda found it ironic u slamming guys for spending 250 on what u called recycled girls when ur only reviews over 150 hr girls are well tested locals Sadie Polly and Kayla Ryder while ur remaining reviews could be categorized as budget dates. Ijs Originally Posted by tinyisgreat
Based on a quick, and I mean very quick look at your reviews and I see all bargain hunting as you call it. So you wanna get on me for who I see, haha too fucking funny man. Like BBG said, most guys don't write reviews, me Included.

Anyway, I made my point, I have already made contact with the OP and if I can't see her when she is here, that's if she even comes, I will def be seeing her this summer in little rock.

So, keep enjoying your "budget" dates as you call em
I don't exactly feel as if I'm being slammed for my prices. Like I have said earlier I understand the different markets. My rate is my rate and I do choose to tour and run specials with lower rates from time to time. This is a hobby and I understand the needs and wants of the guys as well as the ins and outs of this business. But once I do go on tour and have my rates set for that particular tour I will not change my prices. They will be set in stone until my tour is complete. And for the guys who want to negotiate those rates well you will be fired...

lol see my coed thread from the Arkansas board

I'm simply making an inquiry as to whether or not the gentlemen would like to see me come. Some will say yes, some will say no. This happens in every city and state. I'm not the provider for everyone and I fully understand that. But for the guys that do enjoy my company and want me to tour their areas know that their time and money will not be wasted. I'm their professional lover and the time we spend together is well worth the money. I have all yes recommendations in my reviews, have been know. To turn a hh session into a 3 hour session because of my GFE skills and I enjoy each and every minute I spend with my clients on and off the board. I love what I do and take pride in being one of Arkansas's Top Tier Providers. I'm eager to please and easy going. So with that being said, I hope you guys will welcome me to your state with open arms, hard cocks, and of course white envelopes as I plan on welcoming your into my hotel room with a nice smile, wet kitty, open mouth and maybe a glass of wine before we ravish one another into exhaustion and ecstasy. But if not then I'll stay my southern ass in the south and keep on doing what I do best. Fuck and be fucked.

Xo Xo
TK Originally Posted by Trinity Kane
probably best response ever seen on this board. This girl is not only beautiful with great reviews but she gets it.. both from her perspective and that of the client. If there was somebody to break the bank for its her... If everyone on here had that attitude this would be such a great place to be
Trinity Kane's Avatar
probably best response ever seen on this board. This girl is not only beautiful with great reviews but she gets it.. both from her perspective and that of the client. If there was somebody to break the bank for its her... If everyone on here had that attitude this would be such a great place to be Originally Posted by tinyisgreat
Aw thank you. And yes I do get it. Not every hobbyist is a big shot doctor, lawyer or engineer who can afford to spend 3 and 400 an hour easily. The hobbyist in our community have family's and budgets as well. I can't imagine what ones wife would say of they went on a pussy spending spree and broke the bank to do so. People have children and real lives outside of this hobby. Families to feed and bills to pay. I get it. I have a family of my own to support so when I post about touring another area I have to check into everything, rates of the girls in the area, interest in me, milage, hotel fees, what would I possibly make during my trip, would I make more if I charged less or would I break even charging more. I know that some people consider this world a fantasy world but the hobby is a very real part of our every day lives and as a provider who tours I consider all aspects of this before I make any sudden plans to jump and run. I'm a single mother of 4 myself so I have to consider more then some when doing a tour like this. For example, Buffalo is 1100 miles from my home base, 16 hour drive for me so 2 days. I have to budget food for my family and money in case of emergency, then there's the gas money and milage for my trip, hotel fees, food, maybe some shopping if I'm doing good in the area so I can bring neat things home to them to in a way make up for my absence while I'm working. This is what I choose to do to support my family, I have a budget like the rest of you do and I get it. So with that being said if I do make the trip to NY my touring rates will probably be less then my regular rate of 300 hr to ensure that I have a profitable trip and not one that puts me in debt.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Mind me askin how long you been 31? Whew
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Mind me askin how long you been 31? Whew Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
I'll turn 32 this October actually. My age is accurate regardless of what some may think or believe.

Mind me asking how big your dick is??
lickidyclit's Avatar
I'll turn 32 this October actually. My age is accurate regardless of what some may think or believe.

Mind me asking how big your dick is?? Originally Posted by Trinity Kane
Lol ,your gonna do just fine here hon!
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Lol ,your gonna do just fine here hon! Originally Posted by lickidyclit
I can be a firecracker at times. Fire at me be prepaired for me to fire back.
I can be a firecracker at times. Fire at me be prepaired for me to fire back. Originally Posted by Trinity Kane
LOL You will luv Upset then.....Upset be packed with firecrackers!!!.....
Trinity Kane's Avatar
LOL You will luv Upset then.....Upset be packed with firecrackers!!!..... Originally Posted by Celso
Boom Bitch, love me or hate me, I'm still gonna get paid!! Lol Yes I think I will like Upset after all.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Mind me asking how big your dick is?? Originally Posted by Trinity Kane
The schmeck gets huge in your mouth moments before I pull out and glue your eyes shut whew
Trinity Kane's Avatar
The schmeck gets huge in your mouth moments before I pull out and glue your eyes shut whew Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
I love a good facial!!! Nothing sexier then me down on my knees, mouth wide with you looking down at me while you shoot cum all in my mouth and on my face. Yummy
Trinity Kane's Avatar
I especially love the feeling of it as it swells and throbs before explosion
I like this girl! We need more girls like her traveling to our area -- someone who is actually well-spoken and intelligent and who doesn't get overly defensive at the first sign of resistance.

Yes, it's true that $300/hr is higher than average for this area but we can't pretend that we don't have some local VPS who charge that much and that we don't get traveling girls who charge $300 or, on rare occasions, $400/hr.
lickidyclit's Avatar
I especially love the feeling of it as it swells and throbs before explosion Originally Posted by Trinity Kane
think ya better get those bags packed sweetie, appears your show of interest has been confirmed!