Disable My Acct..

Champagne Brown's Avatar
I don't post my ads either, thank you (assistant) I write down my ads, and I send it to a young lady.. I have a thing called real life, and a SO that keeps me pretty busy... But you wouldn't know that,keep checking for me honey while I do me.. Thanks for the advertisement.

Ps: are you talking to CB or the assistant? Oh never mind, I'll let you tell it since you know her "personally"..? (Doubt it)

Good day sir, it was great chatting it up.
CB or cb?
Girl stop.. this is your life
Assistant?why would be the point of writing your own ads then sending them to an assistant??lol
SO? pxmc?

Just stop..
Wakeup's Avatar

Hasn't posted once since its year long ban for outing me was up...I bet her and her boy forgot the login...
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Why do you care,wow! Is the ad causing you bodily harm,just can't wrap my head around why something so petty is important to you.. I'll leave you to the pettiness, CB posted to make the top list, did CB really type her ad and send to her assistant..

I want to laugh, but can't..
dearhunter's Avatar
Sweeeeeeet......the gang is getting back together......can we get the real BustedAmy next?
Wakeup's Avatar
Like I said, I was perfectly happy ignoring the lying, potty mouth, outing whore when she had her new identity and wasn't connected to her old self...now she gets what she deserves again...
TryWeakly's Avatar
Does this mean she has prior approval for letting someone else access her account?


#19 - Account security is of the utmost importance. You are responsible for your account and only your account. You are not to allow any other individual access to your account unless you have received prior approval from staff. This will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but must be approved prior to releasing access to another party.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I'll clue you in, no rules broken..
DentBick's Avatar
Sweeeeeeet......the gang is getting back together......can we get the real BustedAmy next? Originally Posted by dearhunter
Things are starting to look up.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Seems the big balla is back.... maybe ...welll...nevermind.. just scroll and enjoy...


It's like napalm in the morning.....
dearhunter's Avatar
That was a most excellent threAD.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I believe she changed her name after her ban was over
Kept a low profile for as long as she could but i guess she got bored Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Well in that case, that's easy enough to understand.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Some tricks just got to hold on to the drama for like ever........
Some tricks just got to hold on to the drama for like ever........ Originally Posted by The2Dogs
So holding a grudge against a whore who outted you is DRAMA dually noted...