Is Trump a child of wealth? I really don't know. If he is, he has made and lost several fortunes on his own, and is currently a billionaire. So I don't think he is riding on his daddy's money. Nor is he a fuck-up. An idiot? Maybe. Egotistical clown? quite possibly. Will he do anything for attention? Duh. LOL! Will the Republicans nominate him? Who knows. At least he'd be fun to watch. At this point, I think Obama will be re-elected.
I never had a problem with Obama's nationality, I have a problem with him being a socialist. But we elected him (maybe) so the job is his. And I say "maybe" because I think that voters since 1964 have had little impact on the outcome of elections.
BTW, the new spring line of tinfoil hats coming out of Paris are very dapper. It's nice to be able to be paranoid and fashionable at the same time.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He is a child of wealth, and as everyone - correction - some people know, it takes money to make money, and if not, it makes it substantially easier. And losing billions just may qualify you as a fuck-up, unless you get a bailout. lol.
Don't drink the kool-aid.
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 : a system of
society or group living in which there is no private property
3 : a system or condition of
society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
A socialist? Still on that one? That was so "election year". LOL. All of a sudden social services are socialism. Caring about people, other than yourself, is socialism. Well, hell, i may be a socialist too. Everyone in the United States doesn't share the "fuck everybody except me and mine" philosophy. The richest country in the world - at least it used to be - sending billions to foreign countries, lives lost and spending billions on foreign wars to "spread democracy", but god forbid that someone spend a dime on the less fortunate. Social services never killed anyone. It is so easy to condemn others for needing help especially when we don't share their predicament. Besides it's been two years and I've yet to see Socialism - this huge redistribution of wealth that was supposed to occur.... I guess that he'll wait until the next term. i can't wait.