Are you Dominant, submissive, or neither?

Dom ... obviously.
except for when you don't want to piss them off
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
I lean towards being submissive, too bad I can't seem to find any Domme women around here Originally Posted by irpatio
there are lots
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I want to say i'm a switch but I tend to like to be more of the dominant one than not.
I tend to enjoy being more of a submissive to a female (again tend to not always).
jokacz's Avatar

It surprises me how many women want to be dominated.

Probably why they end up in abusive relationships with jerk offs that drive pick me up trucks.
lilylivered's Avatar
I love my old truck
Plastic Man's Avatar
bets ol commie ...mummie looks tights rollin ups ta some ...funnel in a prius
Lexxxy's Avatar
I have a dominant personality, but I am a switch for the most part. I just don't go very far into submission unless I'm very comfortable with the person and have some trust.
Plastic Man's Avatar
ever ...dominates a bag a roast beef sammiches?
I have a dominant personality, but I am a switch for the most part. I just don't go very far into submission unless I'm very comfortable with the person and have some trust. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
Yeah I do not have a submissive personality - I'm sure most can conclude that from my post history. I'm actually quite Alpha with friends and family. But romantically and sexually I am submissive.
I am a naturally a sub sexually, but I am a Dom in every other aspect of my life..

I can switch to Dom mode if I feel that is what a gentleman wants or needs..