Why are Republicans So Stupid? Are they Zombies overtaking America?

The problem with your post is that you assume everyone getting assistance is scamming the system
Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Many are scamming

Kids who are their victims become scammers as well due to the cycle of their scamming circumstances and the cycle begins anew

These people devise their circumstances to meet any requirement of aid and would rather have free days to grift than work 40 years like Us suckers
StandinStraight's Avatar
It won't happen, Standing Stupid. hildebeest's dim-retard redistribution plan was checked by the last election, Standing Stupid. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Well assface I guess you like the Republican redistribution plan better, take from 98 % of the people and redistribute to the top 2 % . That will help you a lot you moron. What’s comical is that most redneck republicans because they can afford a truck think they are part of the wealthy. Unless your a millionaire many times over your getting screwed by the people you vote for, wake up!
lustylad's Avatar
Well assface I guess you like the Republican redistribution plan better, take from 98 % of the people and redistribute to the top 2 % . That will help you a lot you moron. What’s comical is that most redneck republicans because they can afford a truck think they are part of the wealthy. Unless your a millionaire many times over your getting screwed by the people you vote for, wake up! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Hey fucktard... how about showing us the MATH behind your idiot statement that the GOP tax cut plans will "take from 98% of the people"???

Wake up! You're a professor, right? That means all of your claims are supported by careful research, study and empirical data!

What’s comical is that most redneck republicans because they can afford a truck think they are part of the wealthy. Unless your a millionaire many times over your getting screwed by the people you vote for, wake up! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
What's comical is most of the mega rich are dims

Income tax rates don't address that much at all

Tax rates do affect the small business guy paying the freight who work for a living and for their family's benefit

The rich want all sort of government handouts and don't much care about tax rates, it's quite the reverse than your post, these things are seen by the rich as bulwarks against the riffraff storming their upper east side manhattan palaces

They use the government much like they hire security or buy insurance, but please limit the riffraff's access to the Malibu beach for us, ok?
StandinStraight's Avatar
What's comical is most of the mega rich are dims

Income tax rates don't address that much at all

Tax rates do affect the small business guy paying the freight who work for a living and for their family's benefit

The rich want all sort of government handouts and don't much care about tax rates, it's quite the reverse than your post, these things are seen by the rich as bulwarks against the riffraff storming their upper east side manhattan palaces

They use the government much like they hire security or buy insurance, but please limit the riffraff's access to the Malibu beach for us, ok? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Your right on, republicans are all about redistribution of wealth and handouts, just in a reverse Robin Hood perverted way. They also are for more regulations and government involvement in people’s lives but only the kind that imposed their morality on others. The problem is as I keep saying most republican voters are dimwits that think they somehow are part of the grand Republican plan but they are nothing but pawns and fools.
Your right on, republicans are all about redistribution of wealth and handouts, just in a reverse Robin Hood perverted way. They also are for more regulations and government involvement in people’s lives but only the kind that imposed their morality on others. The problem is as I keep saying most republican voters are dimwits that think they somehow are part of the grand Republican plan but they are nothing but pawns and fools. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Your "logic" escapes me
lustylad's Avatar
They also are for more regulations and government involvement in people’s lives but only the kind that imposed their morality on others... Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Yes, I agree. That's very annoying about you dim-retards...

StandinStraight's Avatar
Yes, I agree. That's very annoying about you dim-retards...

Originally Posted by lustylad
Republicans don’t care about you at all, they just want you to serve them and make them wealthy, that’s why they always promote the fairy tell called trickle down economics. That’s what we have in this new tax scam, republicans run up debt by giving money to those that don’t need it and the rest of us get screwed.
bambino's Avatar
Republicans don’t care about you at all, they just want you to serve them and make them wealthy, that’s why they always promote the fairy tell called trickle down economics. That’s what we have in this new tax scam, republicans run up debt by giving money to those that don’t need it and the rest of us get screwed. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Democrats certainly don’t care about you. Who would?
lustylad's Avatar
Republicans don’t care about you at all, they just want you to serve them and make them wealthy, that’s why they always promote the fairy tell (sic) called trickle down economics. That’s what we have in this new tax scam, republicans run up debt by giving money to those that don’t need it and the rest of us get screwed. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

You would think a self-proclaimed "professor" would know the difference between polemical and empirical, wouldn't you?

In what alternate universe is paying less in taxes "getting screwed"?

StandinStraight's Avatar

You would think a self-proclaimed "professor" would know the difference between polemical and empirical, wouldn't you?

In what alternate universe is paying less in taxes "getting screwed"?

Originally Posted by lustylad
In the universe where paying a slight bit less in your taxes causes a trillion dollars worth of future debt and causes your insurance premiums to skyrocket all so that billionaires can pay way less in taxes.

Why not leave the corporate tax rate at 35% and bring individual tax rates way down. Bring the highest personal tax rate down to 21 % instead!
lustylad's Avatar
In the universe where paying a slight bit less in your taxes causes a trillion dollars worth of future debt and causes your insurance premiums to skyrocket all so that billionaires can pay way less in taxes.

Why not leave the corporate tax rate at 35% and bring individual tax rates way down. Bring the highest personal tax rate down to 21% instead! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Here's the math and the real story, moron - that "trillion dollars" is what the CBO estimates will be added to the debt OVER 10 YEARS (versus current tax policy), assuming average annual real GDP growth of 1.9%. So yeah, if we remain stuck in odumbo's slow growth rut, the deficit will be roughly $100 billion higher each year. That's 1/200 of our current GDP. If we achieve average growth of 2.6% over the next 10 years, the tax changes will add nothing to the debt.

As for insurance premiums, the overwhelming majority of Americans have health insurance provided by their employers and are not subject to the ACA's individual mandate. If the mandate is repealed, many people who are subject to it will actually find themselves better off. It's a highly regressive penalty - 80% of the households paying it earn less than $50k a year.

Your mindless sputtering that the tax changes will "take from 98% of Americans" is a monstrous lie!

The reason the corporate tax rate needs to be lowered is obvious from this graph:

I don't have a problem with lowering individual rates at a later time, if feasible. The top rate is currently 39.6%. However, if you studied up on these matters you would know that slashing the top individual rate (especially dropping it all the way to 21%) would benefit the wealthiest filers much more than a lower corporate tax rate will. Is that what you want, SStupid?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Best part of you "trickled down" your mama's chin, Junior.
bambino's Avatar
Why would you waste your time? SStupid is a troll, much like SnitchFuck. Numbers and facts simply don’t matter. The same is true for the rest of the DOTY nominees. It’s a fools errand.
lustylad's Avatar
Why would you waste your time? SStupid is a troll, much like SnitchFuck. Numbers and facts simply don’t matter. The same is true for the rest of the DOTY nominees. It’s a fools errand. Originally Posted by bambino
It's remedial math. They are the poorly educated ones of whom they complain.

The irony is - wouldn't you expect a "professor" to be intellectually curious, open-minded and eager to learn about these matters?