poll, was 9-11 an inside job

Hey Assup, isn't this about the point in this conversation where you remind us that 9-11 was all Trump's fault? ..... oh, and congratulations on your dipshit award, well earned, and I'm sure there's many more awards to come .....
That was a rhetorical question - you idiot.

Of course you do.

Of course you do! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So you all have facts to this? Or are you going by what the news reported? 9-11 was absolutely an inside job, thats why Bush was nowhere near that area when it happened. You can call everyone else who disagrees with you crazy, but what if it is you that is the crazy one?

So you all have facts to this? Or are you going by what the news reported? 9-11 was absolutely an inside job, thats why Bush was nowhere near that area when it happened. You can call everyone else who disagrees with you crazy, but what if it is you that is the crazy one? Originally Posted by Aroundagain
Take your old ass somewhere and get some geritol!
The fact that you use "cra-cra" tells me everything I need to know about your stupid ass!

Take your old ass somewhere and get some geritol!
The fact that you use "cra-cra" tells me everything I need to know about your stupid ass! Originally Posted by Aroundagain
Now,now. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Whores don't have opinions, thoughts, or anything else useful but their mouths and vaginas; now that I think about it, you are useless!
Oh dear! I thought you were on ECCIE to look for whores. I did not realize you are on here for dick. I'm trying to understand your liberal view point --so suck all the cock you want babe.

Whores don't have opinions, thoughts, or anything else useful but their mouths and vaginas; now that I think about it, you are useless! Originally Posted by Aroundagain
Oh dear! I thought you were on ECCIE to look for whores. I did not realize you are on here for dick. I'm trying to understand your liberal view point --so suck all the cock you want babe. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You are an ignorant whore, I said you are useless, nothing about any other ladies here! "Liberal" is that supposed to be an insult you useless piece of a person? Why am I arguing with an over-the-hill whore?
I don't know? Why are you - you little cock sucker you!

You are an ignorant whore, I said you are useless, nothing about any other ladies here! "Liberal" is that supposed to be an insult you useless piece of a person? Why am I arguing with an over-the-hill whore? Originally Posted by Aroundagain
I don't know? Why are you - you little cock sucker you! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Thank you, have a nice day!
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  • ztonk
  • 01-10-2018, 08:08 PM
This is not The Political Forum. Standard ECCIE posting rules apply here.

Stay on topic and avoid more personal attacks. This is your one and only warning.

playingnthedark's Avatar
Not sure what the point of this is. It happened. We have moved on.

The government may have known that something may happen but I seriously doubt that they planned it out. Stop listening to Alex Jones.
Guest010619's Avatar
Not sure what the point of this is. It happened. We have moved on.

The government may have known that something may happen but I seriously doubt that they planned it out. Stop listening to Alex Jones. Originally Posted by Congratulations
According to findings the government knew an attack was imminent. Unfortunately our intelligence agencies were not sharing data which might have narrowed down more details. In the end, we we’re fortunate that more people were not lost, had the towers been full, we would have lost over 50,000 people, as many as were lost during the Vietnam war.