It passes all three of Taleb's definition you nit wit.
It is an outlier, it is having huge ramifications and there was no reason to think it would go the way it did you dipshit.
Ask Steve Bannon...
Originally Posted by WTF
Listen you stupid buffoon... the subtitle of Taleb's book is "The Impact of the Highly Improbable". There is nothing improbable about women forming a movement to combat sexual harassment.
Once again, it's not an outlier. It's not "outside the realm of regular expectations" per Taleb's definition. There are dozens of movements in the recent past that "point to its possibility". (Ever heard of the Tea Party? Also not a black swan!)
While it has had a big impact to date, it remains to be seen how sustainable it will be.
Finally, there is no need to explain it after the fact. Lots of people, in hollywood and elsewhere, now brag openly about how they saw it coming:
Strike one, strike two, strike three for you, dipshit.
MeToo is not a "highly improbable" or once-in-a-hundred-year event. Not a black swan. Not even close!
Wouldn't it be great if YOU were a black swan? Then I would only have to bitch-slap ONE moronic buffoon instead of thousands of them!