Sexy Roxanne update

Sensual Sophia's Avatar
God! for such a minor surgery? That is really too bad.

How about if she sets up a pay pal account, or someone does it in her name, so we can all send small donations?
gman44's Avatar
I wish her a speedy recovery and I will pray for her
knotaprayr's Avatar
She might want to make inquiries of some medical malpractice attorneys, Slack and Davis or some other board certified firms. Since tort reform it's tougher, but still might generate some relief eventually. Writing down as many facts as she can remember now might help later. An attorney might also help with filing for disability benefits. It never hurts to ask Lloyd Doggett's office for help. Try for emergency food stamps. The process sucks, but can be helpful. The hospital social worker should have helped with the wheelchair/walker situation. Try craigslist, etc. for used ones. Her church may even have one to lend, lots do. Maybe even Austin Interreligious Ministries.
Thank you love, but no walker or wheel chair needed I made a full recovery!!!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-02-2010, 06:33 PM

Totally AWESOME!!

squiretuck's Avatar
Please get well soon S. Roxanne! You are a doll, and we all want you at 100% no matter what you do! Bless you!
Thanks Love! I am getting there