Simple Queastion

jokacz's Avatar
So after you CIP and she says "You're clean, right?" You should be offended?
If asking that question is part of your screening process, you may want to drop it and rely a bit more on your common sense instead.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
If asking that question is part of your screening process, you may want to drop it and rely a bit more on your common sense instead. Originally Posted by Charno3
common sense on a Stupid Slut Message Board ???

common sense says none of us should be here, but we are here

but ta agree with ya a bit. The question is a bit like asking a stripper if she is also a whore.
jokacz's Avatar
The question is a bit like asking a stripper if she is also a whore. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

I always ask. I ain't interested in no lame ass dance.
annie@christophers's Avatar
I'm at a loss here Originally Posted by Notuagain
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Stupid slut message board. STUPID SLUT message board meh. Not bad. Maybe a name change for eccie is in order?