a completely false critique of Capitalism. what social contract do you refer to? Unions? that out of date concept, that Labor laws made obsolete? that nearly broke the back of an industry America invented, the Automotive Industry? A pension? what social contract?
far as i'm concerned the only social contract you get is you are allowed to live. Until you die. the rest is up to you.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
This belief / attitude is why so many people are attracted to socialism. The concept of shared resources and shared sacrifice flies in the very face of capitalism.
U.S. society requires infrastructure to run properly. Rich and poor alike benefit from it.
What galls me the most is the belief of some that their success is through their effort alone.Their success is rightly earned but it doesn't exist in a vacuum. Success in our capitalist system requires there to be a system to succeed in. That system is the infrastructure, education system and the laws that make up our society. The next time someone boasts of their success I hope they realize they couldn't get the same results if they lived in Nigeria, Egypt, or Syria.