Ok I'm going to need some help

I'm just going to add one thing then I'm done and gone if I knew how the verification process worked then I could have know why I fail or that I wouldn't pass before wasting my time or her but I'm never going to know I guess
TailHooked's Avatar
Well Bob it is ultimately up to the ladies. No different the the real world. We don't pick them, they choose us. I would suggest that if you approach another lady, make sure what it is that she wants for screening. Follow her instructions completely. If the information she wants is too personal, then tell her so and thank her for her time. It could be that you are still too green or a victim of the current times. Like UC said. Screening keeps us all safe. So don't take it personal, it is just business.
I'm just going to add one thing then I'm done and gone if I knew how the verification process worked then I could have know why I fail or that I wouldn't pass before wasting my time or her but I'm never going to know I guess Originally Posted by bobsmith77

Your phone number is not listed in your name and that makes it harder (not impossible) to verify you. I do not accept calling apps, viop’s or any other IP-based telephone services to verify newbies so your phone number must be listed in your name.

If you are sharing a phone plan with someone, I may accept that but you MUST be able to tell me the name of the person that is listed as the primary account holder. For whatever reason you couldn’t do that so that also makes it harder to verify you.

Another thing that makes it harder to verify you as a newbie is your occupation and the fact that you don’t have an email account with your employer. The main contact number you gave me came back legit but you would need more than that for me to cross check and verify your employment. Since you do not have an email account (amongst other things) to verify your employment then it makes it impossible to verify you actually are employed there.

For the reasons listed above and the fact that you spammed my inbox with a plethora of messages is why you failed my screening process.

I’m not saying you’re not who you claim to be. It’s just that I can’t verify the information you gave me based on your circumstances.

Please don’t take the comments in this thread as a crucifixion. Everyone here is actually giving you sound advice.

Hope this answers your question as to why things didn’t work out. We all have different screening requirements, find a lady here who is comfortable with the information you are comfortable giving. Be upfront, honest and respectful. If you do that you shouldn’t have any problems 😊
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Nice write and exactly on point.
So don't take it personal, it is just business. Originally Posted by TailHooked
Too late, he already has...

Do a ton more research, Bob... find a newbie-friendly provider (there are MANY awesome 1st-time KC ladies out there)... listen to what she needs for screening.. provide the info to your comfort (if you think it’s too much, move on, but don’t argue or negotiate)... see the woman of your dreams and have a blast... come back and tell us about it and get PA credit... and it will be worth it.

Bye, Bob... best wishes...

EDIT: Just saw Ellie’s post. Kati or Ellie would both be GREAT starters... Wow, dude, don’t mess up either opportunity. Nice write, Ellie! Huggzzz, darlin’...
Ok I'm sorry for loosing my cool. I'll just try back in the future. To Ellie a thousand apologize for my actions 😔
Fsn57's Avatar
  • Fsn57
  • 05-04-2019, 02:30 PM
Great response Ellie! This helps the newbies understand why things didn't happen, rather than leaving it as a big question mark. Good Job!!

Bob, there are lots of ladies out there with a big variety of screening requirements. You are obviously willing to share real world info, so you should be able to eventually connect. Don't get discouraged, be polite, don't spam email, PM's or voicemails and you should be OK.
Thanks for your word of encouragement.
I'm going to step back for a while.
JRLawrence's Avatar
.... verify you as a newbie is your occupation and the fact that you don’t have an email account with your employer. The main contact number you gave me came back legit but you would need more than that for me to cross check and verify your employment. Since you do not have an email account (amongst other things) to verify your employment then it makes it impossible to verify you actually are employed there.

Originally Posted by Ellie_AlexandraXXX
The answer to this is to move on and find another lady. You don't want to even dream about anyone who starts off by wanting to know about your employer, and trying to verify your employment.

You have the cash in hand. They don't need to know about who you work for, or if you work at all. That is not their business, it is not anyone's business.

Someone is just being a clown. The joke is funny. Laugh at it and move on. :

There are many women who will be happy to take your money: no one needs to see a clown, or listen the clown's pimp.

It is your terms, listen to your self: if she doesn't accept you terms just tell her to go fuck herself because she is not likely to find a guy to do it for her with her attitude. She/he knows that this is a joke they are trying to pull on you. Most people also know it!
Cool I didn't know I would get crucify for not knowing things about a hobby I only just pick up I wish I could do something to show I'm not lying but it looks like none of you would hear it any thank for nothing Originally Posted by bobsmith77
Hey babe. Send me a PM