Amy Winehouse, dead at 27

Until you've been personally affected by something like this, its easy to say, "oh well, you don't care so why should I?" The life of an addict isn't easy for anyone, especially for those who care about the person.

Its a human life that was lost, not a wallet or receipt. In most cases, its sad when someone passes and as a person who has such a love for music, I personally think this would be one of those cases.
growler's Avatar
Not sad at all . . . Self destructive people will destroy themselves. I am beyond the point of caring having dealt with several self destructive people over the years. Originally Posted by pyramider
Och.....don't we all have our own demons, and while no one can save us from ourselfs but ourselfs. It's still a sad turn of events. lated
Misawahawk's Avatar
I just heard that the Friday before she died, she purchased Cocaine, Heroin, and Ketamine (Special K). Those drugs are all bad news by themselves, but when combined -deadly. Whatever, happened even if she brought it on herself, its still sad. She was a fantastic singer...
Yep. If someone doesn't respect their own life, why should I respect theirs? Originally Posted by Kshunter
Sad for her family, no big shock though. She brought it on herself.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
"All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated...As therefore the bell that rings to a sermon, calls not upon the preacher only, but upon the congregation to come: so this bell calls us all: but how much more me, who am brought so near the door by this sickness....No man is an island, entire of itself...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

John Donne, 1624
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I had a nephew who was an addict. He would not, could not, listen to anyone around him. He would acknowledge you but go back to doing what he was doing. The last couple of years he pretty much made everyone miserable around him. At least family members. He still had his "friends" who he hung around with. I could say he died from an overdose but it was actually a car accident. He was under the influence driving at high speeds through a quiet urban neighborhood at 2 AM. He rolled his car and was ejected. He was XX years old and the "friend" in the car was 20 years older and on probation.
He school friends were pretty broken up but our older family members kind of shook their heads and said it was probably for the best. I have to agree with them.
Amy Winehouse is responsible for her own death and no one else. I can feel sorry for the family but I have little sympathy for what an addict refuses to face.
simplyme's Avatar
Here my friends is tragedy.

What Amy Whinehouse did was selfish and completly disrespectful to those who knew her and loved her.
Here my friends is tragedy.

What Amy Whinehouse did was selfish and completly disrespectful to those who knew her and loved her. Originally Posted by simplyme
No argument from me on that point. I don't sympathize with these
stars who have all the fame and fortune and choose to self destruct.
This story is a real tragedy. Similar to what happened locally on July 4. Idiots with no regard for others while misusing firearms. Very sad situation.
I am still looking for my old friends Abraham, Martin and John.....Bobby too.

That is when the music died my friends.
I had a nephew who was an addict. He would not, could not, listen to anyone around him. He would acknowledge you but go back to doing what he was doing. The last couple of years he pretty much made everyone miserable around him. At least family members. He still had his "friends" who he hung around with. I could say he died from an overdose but it was actually a car accident. He was under the influence driving at high speeds through a quiet urban neighborhood at 2 AM. He rolled his car and was ejected. He was XX years old and the "friend" in the car was 20 years older and on probation.
He school friends were pretty broken up but our older family members kind of shook their heads and said it was probably for the best. I have to agree with them.
Amy Winehouse is responsible for her own death and no one else. I can feel sorry for the family but I have little sympathy for what an addict refuses to face. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Spoken like a true, honest to god person who is 'perfect' and harbors no imperfections, vices, or addictions of his own.
I love you people. *Note, sarcasm*
I have a twin sister who suffers from alcoholism...and contrary to some of the opinions on this site...Addicts have a disease...some actually try to fight...and some fail. but None of you are Amy...and none of you know what personal demons she dealt with.
I have no passion for people with out compassion.
I had a provider friend who had a seriously bad problem with alcohol and probably still does. It's very sad to see someone blacked out drunk night after night, fearing they will put themselves in danger when you're not around. It is especially tragic when there are children involved.
It's very hard to help someone like that when they won't admit they have a problem, sometimes you just have to remove yourself from the situation.
Topnotch, I can't imagine having a sibling who is going through that. My heart goes out to you.
I had a provider friend who had a seriously bad problem with alcohol and probably still does. It's very sad to see someone blacked out drunk night after night, fearing they will put themselves in danger when you're not around. It is especially tragic when there are children involved.
It's very hard to help someone like that when they won't admit they have a problem, sometimes you just have to remove yourself from the situation.
Topnotch, I can't imagine having a sibling who is going through that. My heart goes out to you. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
Thank you...She has drank herself into the ICU once...and the ER several times. I keep my cell by my head when I sleep for that reason. but All you can do is be there when you can. I don't believe in judging those people.
dirty dog's Avatar
Although this is not a political thread I cant help but notice that those lacking in compassion seem to come from the more conservative of the group. I thought the far right held christian beliefs. I do believe Christ spoke of compasion, I also believe that family oriented people tend to be more compasionate, but notice that is lacking among the conservatives here, even though they are the party of family. Just an interesting observation.
There is a difference between working class folks who have these issues and
celebrities who have them.. When one has fame, fortune, managers, advisors,
an entourage, they also have the means to get the best treatment available. Treatment others may not be able to afford or covered by their insurance.
I do sympathize for the everyday person and their families who have these problems.
It's happened in my family as well. I feel for celebrities families who have the same feelings as anyone else. However, I won't shed a tear or spare a moment of silence
for rich, pampered celebrities who destroy themselves.