If you are liberal, You are just plain DUMB

I don't know about Liberals being dumb.

But I saw a Town Hall last week where Trump said he didn't know anything about QAnon.

Is that good for Trump to not know anything about QAnon ?

I think our Intel community has designated QAnon a domestic terrorism threat.

If so,is that good for Trump to not know anything about domestic terrorism threats ?

Trump had said before he thought they loved our country.

Do domestic terrorists love our country ?

It seemed like I am maybe more aware of QAnon than our president.And I don't really know anything about them except just from a few snippets here and there in the media.It appears Trump knows even less.

You think he is maybe dumb ? I don't think he is a liberal. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Well genius, here’s your chance. You are aware of QAnon? Then tell us who their national head is. Where is their office located? Of course you consider them a terrorist organization. If you can’t name those things, you can’t call them a terrorist organization since there would be no organization. Seems like an idea not a real thing.
texassapper's Avatar
You have a choice to think how you please without condemnation. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Said NO LIBERAL to a Conservative EVER!!!

We've been Nazi's since 1948. The KKK since Robert Byrd died. And political violence and silencing of the right by pantifa and BLM racists is par for the course.

You are seriously clueless if you believe your statement to be anything other than wishes spewing from a Unicorns ass.
  • oeb11
  • 10-24-2020, 03:30 PM
Fact is Liberals in general are more highly educated than your typical Republican. So your statement is false unless dumb people can achieve advanced degrees in science, law, medicine, programming, etc. Republicans typically are farmers, laborers, plumbers, truck drivers, electricians, etc. Not always, but the majority are. And I am not bashing those trades, they are critical to our economy and can be very well paid trades. Originally Posted by royamcr

the quote from Mole (self) applies - written by One totally ignorant of anything outside the XiNN network of propaganda.
How sad to go through life fat, dumb, uniformed, and stupid - Dean Wormer!
So SAD for the sheeples!
  • oeb11
  • 10-24-2020, 03:31 PM
Written by a moron Originally Posted by matchingmole

Thank you - Mole - your poor benighted soul.

so sad to be so fixated on your XiNN propaganda and have such closed minds as DPST's!
  • Tiny
  • 10-24-2020, 03:36 PM
Funny, how the liberal talks about calling names without justification. So much for the kettle.
Liberal is actually the wrong term. A classic liberal is very much like the modern conservative. They both want the maximum amount of freedom for the maximum amount of people. The difference is that liberals think government can provide it and conservatives think that people are smart enough to do it on their own, if government just stays out of the way. Today, we're seeing progressives, socialists, Marxists, and totalitarians masquerading as liberals.
True liberals would not consider stacking the Supreme Court. True liberals would accept the results of an honest election without complaint. True liberals would not try to steal an election. True liberals would not try to hide important news that effects the outcome of an election.
There are very few true liberals on this site. Lucas is not one of them. He really has no idea what he thinks until someone tells him what to think. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
This is a thought provoking post. You'd probably disagree, but I'd like to think I'm a classical liberal.

I think I disagree with the statement "True liberals would accept the results on an honest election without complaint." A true liberal believes in freedom and liberty. And frequently a tyrannous majority arises, that tries to take away freedom and liberty from a minority. In our system, this can happen at the national, state or local level. A rhetorical question, what do you do when this happens? Do you take it without complaining? Protest peacefully? Move someplace else? Or take up armed struggle (not recommended)?

Here are some examples,

You live in a dangerous neighborhood. You have neighbors who are armed bullies. You own a registered weapon. Your local or state government passes a law to take away your weapon and starts taking weapons from people like you.

You like to smoke marijuana and see providers. Your democratically elected state government makes both criminal offenses and starts jailing people for violations.

You work hard, make lots of money, and the democratically elected federal government decides it will tax your income at a 65% tax rate. And after you die take 55% of everything you've got left.

You're raped. Or you're pregnant and ultrasound and other testing show the child will be severely deformed. Abortion is illegal in your state and you don't have the money to travel and get it done elsewhere.

I think most of us would just put up with situations like these, unless we had extremely strong feelings. Realistically, your only choice to deal with the problem is move. But I wouldn't fault people for protesting. I'd admire them for it.

Ironically, because those of us who are Republicans or who lean that way believe we're bigger believers in freedom and liberty than others, Nevada, a state currently run by Democrats, may come closest to ideal -- no state income tax, prostitution is legal in places, marijuana is legalized, and the hypothetical situations with guns and abortion like the examples above wouldn't occur there.
Fact is Liberals in general are more highly educated than your typical Republican. So your statement is false unless dumb people can achieve advanced degrees in science, law, medicine, programming, etc. Republicans typically are farmers, laborers, plumbers, truck drivers, electricians, etc. Not always, but the majority are. And I am not bashing those trades, they are critical to our economy and can be very well paid trades. Originally Posted by royamcr
If libs are so fucking smart, why are they so useless? Also, most docs, lawyers, software devs, most people who make enough to buy a home tend to be Republican. All the libs I work with are artists, designers, HR people, and seldom work their way up because they expect their being there longer to be the thing to get them promoted rather than being good at their jobs.
If libs are so fucking smart, why are they so useless? Also, most docs, lawyers, software devs, most people who make enough to buy a home tend to be Republican. All the libs I work with are artists, designers, HR people, and seldom work their way up because they expect their being there longer to be the thing to get them promoted rather than being good at their jobs. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Useless my ass you dumbfuck.
  • oeb11
  • 10-24-2020, 03:49 PM
Useless my ass you dumbfuck. Originally Posted by royamcr

At least the DPST poster is able to splice two 'four letter words' together as a form of 'debate"!!!
Whether it understands the definition of those words, much less the concept of 'debate' - is another matter.
sportfisherman's Avatar
I don't know if I can keep up with all those generalizations about people.

I think the head is a guy called Q and he is officed in Wash. DC and he is supposed to have some high level security clearance.He dispenses Q drops on the internet.They feel Trump is here to save us.

But Trump seems to know nothing.Even less than me.

Trump's party,the Republicans,are backing a congressional candidate that is a QAnon.

You think maybe Trump is a dumb liberal ?

Or do you think maybe he is really lying ?
You think maybe he really does know about QAnon and just plays clueless so he does not have to disavow them ?

You know Trump has a big ego and to QAnons Trump is their hero.I bet he does know about them.
matchingmole's Avatar
If libs are so fucking smart, why are they so useless? Also, most docs, lawyers, software devs, most people who make enough to buy a home tend to be Republican. All the libs I work with are artists, designers, HR people, and seldom work their way up because they expect their being there longer to be the thing to get them promoted rather than being good at their jobs. Originally Posted by GastonGlock

taking a trump
texassapper's Avatar
Fact is Liberals in general are more highly educated than your typical Republican. Originally Posted by royamcr
You are confusing intelligence with credentials that are, let's face it, mostly about how much debt one is willing to incur.
Useless my ass you dumbfuck. Originally Posted by royamcr
taking a trump
Originally Posted by matchingmole
So no one's gonna refute, eh?
This is a thought provoking post. You'd probably disagree, but I'd like to think I'm a classical liberal.

I think I disagree with the statement "True liberals would accept the results on an honest election without complaint." A true liberal believes in freedom and liberty. And frequently a tyrannous majority arises, that tries to take away freedom and liberty from a minority. In our system, this can happen at the national, state or local level. A rhetorical question, what do you do when this happens? Do you take it without complaining? Protest peacefully? Move someplace else? Or take up armed struggle (not recommended)?

The classic liberal and modern conservative share many of the same convictions; liberty, freedom, personal responsibility, and independence. We have a Constitution to protect the few from the will of the many. The modern conservative reveres the Constitution as does the classic liberal. The progressive complains that the Constitution does not allow government to do all it can do to make everyone's life a paradise as did Obama.
To stop a government encroachment we start with being involved and voting. Failing that there is peaceful protest. That could be followed by rigid non-compliance. Violence is only permissible when government initiates violence. Our natural right to self defense includes not only individuals who would do us violence but also a government that tries to oppress us.
Jefferson said so in the Declaration of Independence.

Here are some examples,

You live in a dangerous neighborhood. You have neighbors who are armed bullies. You own a registered weapon. Your local or state government passes a law to take away your weapon and starts taking weapons from people like you.
Did you actively participate in the voting process? Was the election fair? You can pursue relief through the courts with injunctions and restraining orders. At some point you case may make it to the Supreme Court as did Heller. If all that fails you can choose to hide or disburse your weapons to others. Realize that you are breaking the law until it can be changed. Are you willing to except punishment in the fight for freedom? Finally, what you've been waiting for, what do you do if the police enforce the law in an uneven, tyrannical manner. That is going to be up to each individual. I can tell what I'd do but I can't tell you what you should do.

You like to smoke marijuana and see providers. Your democratically elected state government makes both criminal offenses and starts jailing people for violations.
Work to change the hearts and minds of the voters.
Use the system. If you want to break the law then you have a right to a robust defense including the right to remain silent.
Let them prove their case.

You work hard, make lots of money, and the democratically elected federal government decides it will tax your income at a 65% tax rate. And after you die take 55% of everything you've got left.
The easiest answer is to move. The unwashed masses will never understand economics until they have some skin in the game. Nothing says that you can't take advantage of every legal loophole. Teddy Roosevelt said it was everyone's patriotic duty to avoid paying taxes legally.

You're raped. Or you're pregnant and ultrasound and other testing show the child will be severely deformed. Abortion is illegal in your state and you don't have the money to travel and get it done elsewhere.
Kind of a crappy argument. It's too expensive to go out of state? I'm assuming that if it was legal in you state then you could afford it.... Reflect on the cost of traveling out of state to having the child with all the resulting costs.
Still don't think you can afford it? Cost is a poor excuse. To harder part, should you have an abortion? I fall into the vast majority of people who think abortion is wrong except in the most extreme circumstances. Rape or incest (less than 3%), birth defects (less than 2%), and mental health (bullshit).

I think most of us would just put up with situations like these, unless we had extremely strong feelings. Realistically, your only choice to deal with the problem is move. But I wouldn't fault people for protesting. I'd admire them for it.
Protesting, not rioting.

Ironically, because those of us who are Republicans or who lean that way believe we're bigger believers in freedom and liberty than others, Nevada, a state currently run by Democrats, may come closest to ideal -- no state income tax, prostitution is legal in places, marijuana is legalized, and the hypothetical situations with guns and abortion like the examples above wouldn't occur there. Originally Posted by Tiny
Nevada has had both Republican and Democrat governors. Modern prostitution has it's roots in 1971. To avoid other brothels pursuing license like the Mustang Ranch, the legislature and democrat governor legalized pay for play.
But that democrat was far different than today's democrats.

Know that if you choose to disregard an unfair or unjust law that you may have to pay a price until the rest of the public catches up with you. Not that you will always be right. Think about sex with various other partners. Are those people right or wrong even if the partner barks?
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Reread the title.....it's still true Originally Posted by redslick
What a thoroughly explained argument, and well cited, too!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Nevada has had both Republican and Democrat governors. Modern prostitution has it's roots in 1971. To avoid other brothels pursuing license like the Mustang Ranch, the legislature and democrat governor legalized pay for play.
But that democrat was far different than today's democrats.

Know that if you choose to disregard an unfair or unjust law that you may have to pay a price until the rest of the public catches up with you. Not that you will always be right. Think about sex with various other partners. Are those people right or wrong even if the partner barks? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn


Term of the Senate, [26 June] 1787


Mr. Madison. In order to judge of the form to be given to this institution, it will be proper to take a view of the ends to be served by it. These were first to protect the people agst. their rulers: secondly to protect the people agst. the transient impressions into which they themselves might be led. A people deliberating in a temperate moment, and with the experience of other nations before them, on the plan of Govt. most likely to secure their happiness, would first be aware, that those chargd. with the public happiness, might betray their trust.

First you have to recognize all human beings as being equal.

I tried to keep off Tiny.

Dilby, I'm working on Adolph Meyer.