Biden's Speech Tonight

  • Tiny
  • 11-08-2020, 12:04 PM
He's already mentally unaware. So now what? Biden has never been the problem. He is just a gas bag. It's the people around him that are the problem. Biden will rubber stamp anything that Beto "Hell yes, I'm coming for your guns" O'Rourke wants to do. AOC wants a list of everyone who worked for, gave money to, or supported Trump...why? Nothing to worry about there. A committed Marxist wants your name.

Jimmy Carter was a humble man. Maybe the most humble president since Truman but also one of the worst. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Hopefully the Senate will serve as a check on the progressives, if it remains under control of the Republicans.

I don't remember Carter that well, but he didn't strike me as humble. He might have faked being humble and fallible, like the peanut farm and the Playboy interview where he confessed he'd lusted for other women besides his wife. But at his core he was arrogant and sanctimonious.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-08-2020, 12:05 PM
I was more interested in watching the Clemson/ Notre Dame game. Two back to back great games with the UM beating NCS friday night in one of the most exciting games of the season.

I won't be tuning in to hear Biden speak any more than I tuned in to hear Trump speak. Their words mean nothing, only their actions. It's a complete waste of time to listen to them talk. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Hopefully the Senate will serve as a check on the progressives, if it remains under control of the Republicans.

I don't remember Carter that well, but he didn't strike me as humble. He might have faked being humble and fallible, like the peanut farm and the Playboy interview where he confessed he'd lusted for other women besides his wife. But at his core he was arrogant and sanctimonious. Originally Posted by Tiny

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I remember Carter differently.
I'm still fearful of what will happen if Republicans don't win the Senate. And probably I'm naive. But Biden's speech this evening was reassuring. He spent most of it talking about uniting the country. I don't think he's going to throw red states and Republicans under the bus. He's more humble and less divisive than Obama or Trump. And he has a long history of working with Republicans. With a lot of luck maybe Biden's first term will turn out like Clinton's second term. I hope he stays alive, healthy and mentally aware through his time in office, because he's far preferable to his Vice President. Originally Posted by Tiny
There is another election in 2 years. If Repugnants don't shape up they won't do well in the next election. All Dems need is 50/50, VP is the deciding vote. Control would help to get things to actually vote on though.
The trump-tards are literally shitting in their old man diapers, as they always do many times a day. There are reasons why all the major investment banks predicted a stronger recovery under Biden, an actual adult, vs the morbidly obese man-baby.
  • Tiny
  • 11-08-2020, 01:56 PM
[CENTER] Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
OK, maybe I was harsh. I was young and I've got a bad memory. Sounds like he might have done a good job if something like Covid had hit when he was in his prime, given his background in science and engineering. Or at least Angela Merkel's early background is somewhat similar, and she's done a good job with Germany.

What I remember most is inflation became out of control, Iran was a shit show, and the way he price controlled natural gas was just stupid.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Scientists are stubborn and arrogant.

I'll try to look for the Sam Harris video where he explains that they, the scientific community, is a fundamentalist society also. Unwavering in their system. The difference in the religious and the scientific is that the former already has the answer. The latter keeps looking.

The dependence on foreign oil has always created a shit show here. Domestic dependence is not feasible long-term.

The movement died with Reagan's reaction.

Almost game time. No video.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Biden certainly is striking the right tone I think.

The Georgia Senate races,while important,are not going to be a huge determinant.Mainly because either way they turn out things will be close in the Senate.I don't think Republicans will be able to completely hold things up while the Democrats won't be able to cram extreme shit down on the Republicans.I do feel that Republicans will be relieved to be shed of Trump.They can't be seen to completely eschew Trump but with him gone it will give them some space.

Biden will do some executive order stuff,some mostly symbolic such as rejoining WHO and Paris Climate Accords.Plus maybe DACA and a less harsh immigration policy.

Beyond that, legislatively may come some tax breaks for those less than $ 400,000 in income and maybe something on healthcare,but these will be tempered by the Republicans.There will be no court packing.

I think a Decompression is what the electorate wanted.For all the votes made it is obvious people wanted Trump gone but kept their Republican Senators and Representatives plus added some Representatives.

I liked the "We are not enemies" bit.Feel we could use some of that on here.Not some kumbaya group hug shit but at least a less hostile rhetoric.
winn dixie's Avatar
bidens speech was an insincere vomit moment outta his mouth! It was divisive and a fuck you to half of America!

I mean c'mon man!

Jill had to remind him that he had not been elected as a Senator!
sportfisherman's Avatar
I'm so glad to see you embrace the "We are not enemies" refrain.

His speech seemed quite conciliatory to me.
biden should wait until he's been elected before acting the fool

ps: I guess the Russians didn't interfere with this election

not a peep about it, where are all the Pulitzer prize winning reporters on election interference?

election integrity was paramount, never mind whats occurred across America, now its "move along"
sydney powell claims they have identified 450,000 ballots with only a vote for biden and no other down ballot votes

does it stink? well yeah

do I have first hand knowledge, no of course not

this has to be investigated by an honest investigator, if for no other reason than restore belief in this election to half the nation
winn dixie's Avatar
I'm so glad to see you embrace the "We are not enemies" refrain.

His speech seemed quite conciliatory to me. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
His and other dims words mean nothing! They say one thing but do another! Go ahead and be a mindless drone! They dont care about anyone! Just their votes to ram their agenda down our throats!