Trump's Vaccine that he made at warped speed isn't working like it should.

lustylad's Avatar
Trumpy said he won the election, Trumpy said he couldn't show his taxes cause they were being audited, he never shut the fuck up, he talked to hear his voice. Thank go (sic) we don't have to listen to him anymore. Bad example of what some piece of shit use (sic) to say. Originally Posted by bypass
Unfortunately, there is no FDA-approved vaccine for TDS. Even if there was, you're too far gone for it to work!

Meanwhile, you haven't said anything about Biden clumsily undercutting and fucking up his vaccine message. I'll take that to mean you agree with me.
Unfortunately, there is no FDA-approved vaccine for TDS. Even if there was, you're too far gone for it to work!

Meanwhile, you haven't said anything about Biden clumsily undercutting and fucking up his vaccine message. I'll take that to mean you agree with me. Originally Posted by lustylad
berryberry's Avatar
Those are you guys words that Trump made all of the vaccines not mine. Go back and read you countless posts of how Trump made all three vaccines. Now you same guys say the vaccines aren't working and trying to put the blame on a president that is trying everything to get rid of this mess he has inherited. Originally Posted by bypass
You are the one claiming the vaccines don't work. You claimed it in the initial post on this thread. No one else that I can recall on this forum made the same claim

Now people have argued it should be a personal choice to get the vaccine, not some mandate. That is my belief.

But the only reason you are now claiming the vaccines don't work is because your hero Senile Biden has failed miserably at handling Covid. The dementia addled moron bragged he had a plan and yet now more people have died under senile Biden with Covid than under President Trump. And you are scared shitless as you are discovering you have been duped, time and time again, by Senile Biden and his ball licking media. So you do the only thing that comes naturally to you and libtards everywhere - try to blame it on President Trump. President Trump did his part - gave Senile Biden every tool necessary and yet Senile Biden still failed.

And now your make believe world is falling apart because of it
winn dixie's Avatar
The "thud" of this thread failure was heard here in Texas.

tds is not curable.

fuck joeys biden is spreading fast. 38% have yet to get it
AmishGangster's Avatar
And Bypass wonders why people don’t want the vaccine 🤣🤣🤣
Berry "You are the one claiming the vaccines don't work. You claimed it in the initial post on this thread. No one else that I can recall on this forum made the same claim

Now people have argued it should be a personal choice to get the vaccine, not some mandate. That is my belief."

Those are your words more died under Biden than Trump. All Biden can do is try and get people vaccinated. He can't make them social distance nor wear a mask even though he personally got gowns and masks for them to wear which they didn't have a year ago.

He can't do anymore than try and have the people quit spreading the disease and killing people.
Which one is it?
The vaccine does work thanks to Trump? Or…
The vaccine doesn’t work thanks to Biden?
You can’t have both, both you all want both. It boggles my mind.
How the Fuck can it be anyone's fault. The virus is here, deal with it and get the vax and everyone needs to shut the fuck up and quit whining. Lets move on. I get tired of everyday just because Trump lose it rained because of Biden. Steeler's lose because of Biden. Someones picker hurts, its Biden's fault. He never said it will go away on its own. He never said its another hoax.

You want to bitch about Biden, bitch about almost 5 trillion dollars he wants to spend when we own everyone in the world. They will end up taking more SS money. Wait and see. They have all done it.. That is worth bitching about.

As far as the virus, what else can anyone doe do?
AmishGangster's Avatar
As far as the virus, what else can anyone doe do? Originally Posted by bypass
Whelp, our POS POTUS could stop the floodgates of the unvaccinated illegals crossing the border en masse. If the vax was actually effective and the libtards actually cared they would be vaxing all those new Democrap voters of the future.

Or since the vax obviously isnt very effective we can just sit back and watch survival of the fittest play out in real time.

Looks like creepy Joe and the libtards are going with option B. Cause a Democrap don't care if a voter is dead or alive as long as they voted
I agree with some of the things you say. It is totally nuts in recent years. Both parties.
bambino's Avatar
Whelp, our POS POTUS could stop the floodgates of the unvaccinated illegals crossing the border en masse. If the vax was actually effective and the libtards actually cared they would be vaxing all those new Democrap voters of the future.

Or since the vax obviously isnt very effective we can just sit back and watch survival of the fittest play out in real time.

Looks like creepy Joe and the libtards are going with option B. Cause a Democrap don't care if a voter is dead or alive as long as they voted Originally Posted by AmishGangster
They prefer them dead.
chizzy's Avatar
How the Fuck can it be anyone's fault. The virus is here, deal with it and get the vax and everyone needs to shut the fuck up and quit whining. Lets move on. I get tired of everyday just because Trump lose it rained because of Biden. Steeler's lose because of Biden. Someones picker hurts, its Biden's fault. He never said it will go away on its own. He never said its another hoax.

You want to bitch about Biden, bitch about almost 5 trillion dollars he wants to spend when we own everyone in the world. They will end up taking more SS money. Wait and see. They have all done it.. That is worth bitching about.

As far as the virus, what else can anyone doe do? Originally Posted by bypass

well welcome to the same exact thing democrats did for 4 years to trump... anything that happened was trumps fault and if something bad didnt happen, they made something up

I know damn well you dont believe half of what you post. thats why i dont get mad about people busting each others balls...

but welcome to the new world of politics, it aint going to get better on either side

the days of politicians doing whats right for the country are long gone and most of the younger generation want something for nothing. give me give me give me, and if you say something, your racist

i could give a fuck less, ill be gone in 10 or 15 years, but I feel bad for the children, including my own who were brought up to work for what they want and dont depend or expect handouts just because you are this or that.

Ill say this, letting in all the illegal immigrants is wrong, dead wrong...... they should be coming in the right way, the legal way, just like many have before....and ill say this, one thing about most all immigrants, they work their asses off. there are going to be alot of lazy ass americans one day who are going to find out when the money runs out from uncle sam, they are not going to find a job so easy, then watch the poor me attitude

and im not racist............ i hate everybody equally
They prefer them dead. Originally Posted by bambino
And WHY? - 'Cause DEAD voters tell NO tales!

### Salty
They prefer them dead. Originally Posted by bambino
And they proved that bullshit wrong in Arizona now didn't they? What else could you say. Problem is all the dead people voted for Trump. Remember? That is why Biden ended up with more votes. LOL
berryberry's Avatar
Those are your words more died under Biden than Trump. All Biden can do is try and get people vaccinated. Originally Posted by bypass
No - those aren't my words - those are actual facts from the CDC. More people have died with Covid under Senile Biden than under President Trump. your hero Senile Biden has failed miserably at handling Covid. Your dementia addled moron hero bragged he had a plan and yet he failed miserably. Just like he has failed miserably on everything else he has touched - Afghanistan, immigration, transportation, supply chain, foreign policy, the list goes on

And you can't accept those facts