Did the gop really say fuck you to its base???

You have burn pit exposure?
Tge PP post a thread about a bill that HE has no idea what is in it. You leftwingers must think alike... your house leader says pass the bill so that we can find out what is in it. Only from a mindless democrap.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You have burn pit exposure? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

he apparently has one...
Grace Preston's Avatar
The odd part is--- the bill posted online (you can read them online, you know) doesn't appear to have anything different from the original one that everyone was on board with in June-- which was supposedly resubmitted due to a clerical error.

Lot of folks asking for those who changed their vote to specifically show them what changed between the two bills.

Ted Cruz is going on about the fact that it is mandatory instead of discretionary. It should be mandatory-- that means they can't pull the money back from the veterans after they make a show of "how good we treat um".
the word is that Schumer agreed to pull the offending statement...maybe the newest version reflects that
Grace Preston's Avatar
Its possible.. but I was reading it the day it came out because--- "clerical errors" often lead to shenanigans. That's the big thing-- they want him to pull mandatory and make it discretionary again... there wasn't "extra pork"... they just want to be able to pull money back from veterans at will.
dogfart's Avatar
If I had a dime for every time the GOPe fcuked their base, I'd be a very wealthy man... not insider trading Pelosi rich, but rich none the less.

The point the OP hasn't understood is that this is only tangentially a left vs. right issue. It's more properly understood as a global elite vs. the rest of us paradigm. The problem is some of the rest of us WANT what the elites want because they figure to be minor functionaries in the control of their peers. The Sonder kommando of humanity as it were.

The great unwashed masses are expected to lower their standard of living, reduce private travel, reduce air travel, suffer food shortages, the resulting rioting and chaos all in the name of population destruction and energy preservation. It's the spoken motivation for the WEF, UN, Globalists group think to reduce the number of people on the planet and more importantly to preserve energy resources for the select few who will get to continue their lifestyle because... well they are simply better than you.

I think it's impossible to stop it now... there are too many enemy inside our own camp that are keeping the masses divided. We see the results where they fail to contain the masses - Sri Lanka, The Netherlands.

We all should be grateful that we got to live in the last truly free era's of humanity for potentially a very long time. We should also be ashamed that we're allowing it to be taken from us. Originally Posted by texassapper
nailed it. The Uniparty does not care about the common man, only pleasing their bosses. Klaus and Soros are calling all the shots now.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
nailed it. The Uniparty does not care about the common man, only pleasing their bosses. Klaus and Soros are calling all the shots now. Originally Posted by dogfart
they voted against 400 billion of additional spending over the next ten years that has nothing to do with veterans or healthcare. Don't post in ignorance.
The proof is that Schumer is willing to pull that to get the bill to pass since it is not in the HOuse bill.

So Schumer was using the veterans and screwing them (and us) at the same time. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Don’t post in ignorance.