Dallas Studio Forum

BigBamboo's Avatar
I have walked out before. More than once. It got me banned at one studio but with the low percentage of quality at that studio it was worth walking away. I will do it again if necessary because I recently got burned by a booker I trusted. Fool me once…
I have walked out before. More than once. It got me banned at one studio but with the low percentage of quality at that studio it was worth walking away. I will do it again if necessary because I recently got burned by a booker I trusted. Fool me once… Originally Posted by BigBamboo
What was the studio so we can avoid?
BigBamboo's Avatar
What was the studio so we can avoid? Originally Posted by 123ksalter
PM me.
Great thread, seems the same general sentiment is there.

I have also had good intel by PMing valued posters and this maybe the general rule until the swamp gets drained or promo perks dry up.

As others have stated better quality that sells itself will also do the trick - pun intended
With better quality promo is not needed. Case in point Sue

Notice no promo handles replying.....start the countdown
veloztec's Avatar
Although I agree with Big BamBoobs’ sentiment, this gentleman needs to brush up on the synergy and chemistry of Business Ownership 101 and Economy 101.

For an ecosystem to work properly, you’ve got to have a balancing act between Supply and Demand (analogous to Fed Reserve adjustment to Interest Rates to control Pricing & Inflationary metrics, and many other analogies).

Look at eBay, look at Amazon Marketplace and other industry-specific B2B2C and B2C Trading Marketplaces, look at Google Reviews and those sites that offer User Reviews (like for Automotive and Retail Consumer Products and Rubdown etc). Do you know how many businesses rely on “synthetic reviews” outsourced in India and China etc (even AI/ML these days) so the wheel can keep spinning and they don’t end up with empty “marketplace”?

I’d suggest people to just stop bitching, maybe do your own contributions and submit your own reviews, and consider the wise content such as that from aJohnDough (SCROLL UP !) - you can pick and choose what to read and whom to trust, and you can be smart. And yes, I do have a network of many Private “friends” too on the board and other boards, and I am just a normal Hobbyist who does “compare notes” via PM.

Have fun, friends!
my last 3 visits have been terrible, once with GL and twice with LA. I told the bookers that when they get the talent back like Lovely or any of those girls then contact me, but until then I won't be wasting my money. I told them the fake ads that are being posted on the boards are going to hurt them. I go in expecting the girls to be a bit older than the actual pics but when they are 10-20 years older it is bullshit then the service level is greatly decreased it is even more bullshit. I won't go to KF or Blossom after just 1 visit to each due to the very vanilla service i got. Gotta weed through the trolls better and possibly make it more difficult for them to post.
BigBamboo's Avatar
Although I agree with Big BamBoobs’ sentiment, this gentleman needs to brush up on the synergy and chemistry of Business Ownership 101 and Economy 101. Originally Posted by veloztec
Dude! No need to make assumptions implying I’m not aware of economics and business. Had I intended for this thread to be focused on ownership and economics I would have included it in my first post. Thanks for sharing that insight and yes many here are likely aware of not just Amazon but other businesses who synthesize their own reviews to drive the market. Nothing new.

But we’re not talking big businesses. We’re talking about the Dallas Studio Forum. Stay on track please and don’t make things personal. Thanks! Enough said.
I personally don’t think it’s as terrible as some are making it out to be. Yeah the photoshopping is bad and they should stop it, but some of these girls are not terrible looking. Some are actually cute. A lot of reviews def are overhyped promotions and you can tell those. You also have some where there is basically nothing there. I know my reviews are long and I apologize for that.. but I try to document everything in my visits so others know what I experienced.. and it’s sort of for me too. I sometimes use my old reviews to see if I want to see someone again lol.

I can’t say how we fare against places like LA, NY and Vegas.. never tried there. I’ll have to take whoever says those locations are better word that they are. Do I wish we had better sites with representation of who we are meeting? Obviously. But in the end, for me… I’m just trying to get a nut with an Asian. These places scratch that itch. As long as the lady isn’t ugly AF, and she isn’t just a fish who lays there.. then I’m happy. I’m a simple man. Give me some kissing, a good bj, and some positions with some IOP and I’m good.

Some people say their visits were terrible. Some of that could be on the promoter reviews and that’s fair. But some guys might be asking for the moon (PSE and shit) and if they don’t get what they think they are entitled to, then it’s a bad visit. There’s been a few where the review sounded like a yes but they gave a no. Some guys just need to look in a mirror and see maybe it’s me.
yes i should have walked out on Asa if i knew all you Asa fans going to accuse me of being a promoter! I just have one question for you guys.. do you honestly think she’s in her 30s?
yes i should have walked out on Asa if i knew all you Asa fans going to accuse me of being a promoter! I just have one question for you guys.. do you honestly think she’s in her 30s? Originally Posted by sf69ers
Fuck no!
I haven’t seen Asa and I haven’t been here long and know that Asa is not in her 30’s.
I personally don’t think it’s as terrible as some are making it out to be. Yeah the photoshopping is bad and they should stop it, but some of these girls are not terrible looking. Some are actually cute. A lot of reviews def are overhyped promotions and you can tell those. You also have some where there is basically nothing there. I know my reviews are long and I apologize for that.. but I try to document everything in my visits so others know what I experienced.. and it’s sort of for me too. I sometimes use my old reviews to see if I want to see someone again lol.

I can’t say how we fare against places like LA, NY and Vegas.. never tried there. I’ll have to take whoever says those locations are better word that they are. Do I wish we had better sites with representation of who we are meeting? Obviously. But in the end, for me… I’m just trying to get a nut with an Asian. These places scratch that itch. As long as the lady isn’t ugly AF, and she isn’t just a fish who lays there.. then I’m happy. I’m a simple man. Give me some kissing, a good bj, and some positions with some IOP and I’m good.

Some people say their visits were terrible. Some of that could be on the promoter reviews and that’s fair. But some guys might be asking for the moon (PSE and shit) and if they don’t get what they think they are entitled to, then it’s a bad visit. There’s been a few where the review sounded like a yes but they gave a no. Some guys just need to look in a mirror and see maybe it’s me. Originally Posted by RickyG2002
Most girls currently here are washed up from the bigger cities. They also provide subpar service for barely less than the big cities. There are far and few in between and they leave or just tour here and never come back.

I think most guys here need to adjust their standards for what constitutes as good looking or even okay looking.

Have i had good experiences even without extra stuff like MSOG or bb? Yes. Are there good looking girls? Yes. Are those 2 things extremely rare? Hell yes.

Even if there are little to no promoters, there are simps willing to prop up some of these ass ugly girls and overinflating their egos. Thats why we get uglies who charge a fuck ton and upcharge
Then why are you still here? Move back to LA.. stop posting here if its so bad for you here. The promoters are bad.. the bitching about the scene and "how bad it is" isnt any better.
veloztec's Avatar
Dude! No need to make assumptions implying I’m not aware of economics and business. Had I intended for this thread to be focused on ownership and economics I would have included it in my first post. Thanks for sharing that insight and yes many here are likely aware of not just Amazon but other businesses who synthesize their own reviews to drive the market. Nothing new.

But we’re not talking big businesses. We’re talking about the Dallas Studio Forum. Stay on track please and don’t make things personal. Thanks! Enough said. Originally Posted by BigBamboo
OK fair enough Mister Big BamBoobs. Peace be with you.
I wanna give people a realistic image of what they're getting themselves into. They should know Jun is obese, not thicc. They should know a lot of these girls have plastic ass faces if they are looking for a natural look
I wanna give people a realistic image of what they're getting themselves into. They should know Jun is obese, not thicc. They should know a lot of these girls have plastic ass faces if they are looking for a natural look Originally Posted by 123ksalter
Thank you! Finally truth about Jun. I was seriously considering because I don’t like skinny girls.