Trump keeps on winning.

Cody69's Avatar
For all of you guys that only get your news off of fake posts from our expects on here, or Facebook or work, Trumps lawyer could not bring up anything in her closing arguments unless it was already approved for evidence and talked about in the trail. This trial wasn't about the rape, Trump already lost that. This was about punitive damages. He already lost that he raped her in a past trail.

Get ready for E Jean Carroll to probably make more money in the future because Trump will say something again by degrading her.
Cody69's Avatar
Just to recap a few things

— NY changed their laws specifically to allow Jean Carroll to bogusly sue Trump

— She alleged a rape in a public place 30 years ago but provided no evidence

— Her story was remarkably similar to a plot line of a show she binge watched

— The dress she claimed to be wearing hadn’t even been designed at that point

— She’s sex obsessed and continues to talk about how “sexy” rape is

— Her case was thought up by Trump hater George Conway

— Her case was funded by Democrat Jeff Epstein buddy Reid Hoffman

— Her “reputation expert” admitted to having no experience in reputation repair during cross examination. She was also found to be a Democrat donor

That is just a few items Originally Posted by berryberry
Berry you are totally wrong this case was not about the rape. That case is over already. You of all people fact checker that you are and as knowledgeable that you are already knew that. This case was about punitive damages. This case was about blackening her good name like he does with everyone he is done with. From his many wife, kids, lawyers, political friends, anyone he is done with.

Their is no loyalty when you mention the name Trump. Trump is translated to LIAR.
Trump ordered to pay $83M ...Bahahahahahaha
onawbtngr546's Avatar
Anyone want to play bets on if he will end up paying or not?
eyecu2's Avatar
Anyone want to play bets on if he will end up paying or not? Originally Posted by onawbtngr546

In order to appeal in NYC, you have to post either a bond or cash for the amount awarded. Either way he will have to pay some money. Whether it gets to Carroll for 3-5 yrs will be a different matter. Who knows if DJT will file bankruptcy to avoid this or other judgements. But it's highly likely he will have to pay something to her eventually.

Despite the claims of The Maga followers on the board. Lol snick
We all know trump won't pay a dime. He'll beg his dumb fucking cult to pick up the tab, like the deadbeat that he is.

It's truly hilarious, and equally pathetic, that his supporters keep sending him money to pay his legal bills, but then brag about him being a successful billionaire. Lol. Bunch of dim fucking bulbs.

He's not now, nor has he ever been, a billionaire.

He's not now, nor has he ever been, a billionaire. Originally Posted by tommy156
... Oh Really?

### Salty
... Oh Really?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yes, really. He's never been a billionaire for a nanosecond of his entire, shitty life. And that includes the time when he inherited half a billion.