Anyone want to chat.. about the stupid phone calls we get??

Remember, EVERY stupid phone call starts out the same way - when YOU say "Hello"!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Geesh, If your phone calls are anything like your posts, then they're talking about you. So pay attention.
Remember, EVERY stupid phone call starts out the same way - when YOU say "Hello"!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Geesh, If your phone calls are anything like your posts, then they're talking about you. So pay attention. Originally Posted by acp5762
Acp, you obviously missed the wit and wisdom behind my sentiment. Stupid phone calls only occur when you answer the phone. If you use voicemail to screen calls or text or email to communicate, you don't have to endure stupid conversations.

As for my phone calls and my posts....No, they are not talking about me, most are smart enough to understand what I say and what I write.
Acp, you obviously missed the wit and wisdom behind my sentiment. Stupid phone calls only occur when you answer the phone. If you use voicemail to screen calls or text or email to communicate, you don't have to endure stupid conversations.

As for my phone calls and my posts....No, they are not talking about me, most are smart enough to understand what I say and what I write. Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
I know what you were trying say, but it sounded cheesy.
Naomi4u's Avatar

This thread has nothing to do with Ed (I'm sure). We chat all the time via phone and he knows how to conduct himself on the phone. Give him a break. He jokes a lot on here. Don't take his posts so seriously.
I know what you were trying say, but it sounded cheesy. Originally Posted by acp5762
Snarky maybe - Cheeky (I miss Valerie) sure!! But cheesy....never!!! You take that back!!
Snarky maybe - Cheeky (I miss Valerie) sure!! But cheesy....never!!! You take that back!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Ok I'll take that back since Naomi said in so many words you're actually civilized.
Ok I'll take that back since Naomi said in so many words you're actually civilized. Originally Posted by acp5762
Civilized?? How dare you?? Now you're just lookin' for a fight!!
Civilized?? How dare you?? Now you're just lookin' for a fight!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Yeah, I expected something like that.
Ooh, we are used to catfights, not dawgfights! Ladies, place your bets, lol.
Oh my GAWD!
Ooh, we are used to catfights, not dawgfights! Ladies, place your bets, lol. Originally Posted by heidilynnla
Theres no Dawg fight going on here.
LeftySmith's Avatar
I know this is a little off-topic here, but it brought to mind one of my pet peeves about some of the advertisers, so I'm gonna put in my .02 about it.

This is part of the reason I don't even bother with chicks who put that "No emails or texts" bullshit in their ads. I did that a few times years ago and every damn time the person who answered spoke in one word sentences and came across as if they were annoyed for being bothered, and that was when one actually answered the phone in the first place. And now, most of the time when I'm sending that text or email, my wife is sitting across the room. I don't mind pissing her off every now and then, but dialing up hookers (I use that term very affectionately:-) within earshot of the wife is just plain cold.....and stupid.

Nope, if certain entrepreneurs want my business, they are going to have to employ multiple methods of communication. I'll call to get some last minute directions if necessary, but that's about it.

I've heard some lame excuses for not emailing or texting, like :
1. I get too many emails. I don't have time to read them.
2. Text messages cost me 10 cents each.
3. My phone doesn't receive text messages.

To that I say :
1. I have to wade through more than 1500 emails/week at work, so you get no sympathy from me there.
2. So you want me to tip you $0.50??? Buy the unlimited text plan if you really need it.
3. Is it from 1982?
I know this is a little off-topic here, but it brought to mind one of my pet peeves about some of the advertisers, so I'm gonna put in my .02 about it.

This is part of the reason I don't even bother with chicks who put that "No emails or texts" bullshit in their ads. I did that a few times years ago and every damn time the person who answered spoke in one word sentences and came across as if they were annoyed for being bothered, and that was when one actually answered the phone in the first place. And now, most of the time when I'm sending that text or email, my wife is sitting across the room. I don't mind pissing her off every now and then, but dialing up hookers (I use that term very affectionately:-) within earshot of the wife is just plain cold.....and stupid.

Nope, if certain entrepreneurs want my business, they are going to have to employ multiple methods of communication. I'll call to get some last minute directions if necessary, but that's about it.

I've heard some lame excuses for not emailing or texting, like :
1. I get too many emails. I don't have time to read them.
2. Text messages cost me 10 cents each.
3. My phone doesn't receive text messages.

To that I say :
1. I have to wade through more than 1500 emails/week at work, so you get no sympathy from me there.
2. So you want me to tip you $0.50??? Buy the unlimited text plan if you really need it.
3. Is it from 1982? Originally Posted by LeftySmith
Yeah you are a bit off topic. I'll make this short though. Why should a hooker fashion the way she does buisness to accomodate those who are married. First off if you are married, Calling, Texting and emailing hookers is all stupid. But if you must dial up a Hooker, you mean you can't do it out of ear shot of your wife. Take a quik drive around the block, or run an errand, or go outside. Do something to keep her from getting suspicious.
LeftySmith's Avatar
Yeah you are a bit off topic. I'll make this short though. Why should a hooker fashion the way she does buisness to accomodate those who are married. First off if you are married, Calling, Texting and emailing hookers is all stupid. But if you must dial up a Hooker, you mean you can't do it out of ear shot of your wife. Take a quik drive around the block, or run an errand, or go outside. Do something to keep her from getting suspicious. Originally Posted by acp5762
1. Any business that does not try to meet the needs of its customers is doomed to failure. That much should be obvious to anyone, so I won't bother trying to explain it.
2. If you think all of the providers here stay afloat just catering to single men (or women), then you are quite misguided.
3. Are married men the only ones who prefer text messages? Hell, I thought that's all the younger generation did. I've seen multiple statistics that teenagers on average send more than 3,000 text messages a month. Why would any business want to ignore such a trend?

I'm sure many providers do quite well without using text or email. But regardless of how well they do, I believe they could do better by making use of those tools. And for the ladies who don't text or email, and who also sit around wondering why they don't receive more calls, those are the ones who might ought to reconsider that position.

As far as me leaving the house, that is immaterial. The point of my post was to say I choose not to. I don't like to even use the phone. I rarely answer it when it rings. I prefer visual communication. I like to be able to read it, and re-read it if necessary. I prefer to have my appointments in text on my hobby phone rather than on sticky notes on my desk. I find text messaging for scheduling a session to be far more convenient and effective, especially when the lady doesn't speak English well enough for me to understand what she says with hearing that is not nearly as effective as it once was.
1. Any business that does not try to meet the needs of its customers is doomed to failure. That much should be obvious to anyone, so I won't bother trying to explain it.
2. If you think all of the providers here stay afloat just catering to single men (or women), then you are quite misguided.

I'm sure many providers do quite well without using text or email. But regardless of how well they do, I believe they could do better by making use of those tools. And for the ladies who don't text or email, and who also sit around wondering why they don't receive more calls, those are the ones who might ought to reconsider that position. Originally Posted by LeftySmith
Well you stated your case. Lets see how truly valuable the married guy is to this buisness. If things change, you're in like Flynn. If not so much, you might want to implement some diversion tactics to avoid any conflict within your primary relationship(s).