Daily Show Audience Cheers Violence Against Tesla Dealerships. How Do Forum Democrats Feel About The Current Tesla Burnings And Vandalism? (Video)

The leftists started noticing Musk's ridiculousness far before he got in bed with Trump. Started in the 2014-16 period where folks started getting wise to the con Originally Posted by HDGristle
Which con.

Pay Pal?
Space X
His huge tunnel boring operations?
X (formally twitter)?
His neurological company?
XAI, is new Artificial Intelligence endeavor ?
EdBeaver's Avatar
When rich people steal from poor people it’s called business. When poor people fight back it’s called violence. Mark Twain
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
2014? Back when Trump was a democrat?
NiceGuy53's Avatar
The leftists started noticing Musk's ridiculousness far before he got in bed with Trump. Started in the 2014-16 period where folks started getting wise to the con Originally Posted by HDGristle

You care to post a link that backs this statement up?
ICU 812's Avatar
Now back to the topic:

It is my belief that since a bit before the 2016 and perhaps as early as 2008, election, the progressive left has hijacked the Democratic party away from its 20th Century roots in classical liberalism and off into the realm of deep, radical socialism.

Not only would the paty have rejected JFK as a nominee in 2016 and 2020, they would not have nominated former President Clinton. The Hillery Cinton of 2016 would not be a viable candidate for 2022 as Senator and not for president in 2028 either.

Those are politicians of the old schooll. So was former President Biden, but he was maliable and controlled by the new Democratic power brokers through his wife and his medical team.

The Democratic party of today is all about power and who controlls it. That is their overt agenda. Whatever it takes to regain and retain that power is what they stand for in the overt world of politics.

However, behind the public facde it is my far that there are those who would ruin the country to bring about fundamental, extra-constitutional change.

I believe that the riots of 2020 were not ab out justice for George Floyd. I believe that the national disruption of the Covid "pandemic" was not about public health. The ongoing drumroll over the events of Jan6th 2020 is not about the continued danger of a coup d' etat.

These were and re Orwellian efforts to control American society.

That is what he Democratic Party stands for today . . .attainment of power and its retention. They will do this by any means necesdsry to achieve the destruction of our society, so that they may bring about the socialist domination of what we remember America to have been.