Looks Like We're Going to Bomb Syria into Democracy Next

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I opposed the foreign policy of any President who doesn't have the security of the United States as his primary goal. That included both Bushes, Clinton and Obama. They are simply funding the defense industry at the expense of American lives and reputation. You're the partisan here, not me.
Barbara Walters just did one of Her "indepth" interviews with that slime ball Dictator of Syria, and she, more or less said, (paraphrase), "he doesn't seem like a murdering thug dictator when you get to know him"

This 'Thugocracy. is destined to fall like the rest have, our best hope is that whatever replaces this Regime will not resort to machine gunning people in the name of "another god".

By the way, it doesn't seem like the Military Junta in Egypt likes the demonstrators as much as they did a year ago.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You know I never expressed an opinion one way or another about the rightness of the subject. I was just throwing in some historical context and my own distrust of the Muslim Brotherhood.
TexTushHog's Avatar
At least picking a fight with Iran will have the advantage of raising the price of oil. At least pick the smart war that might save the climate.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Obama won't bomb syria without EU pressure on his back.

You saw what happened with libya. EU demanded. Obama complied sorta.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
At least picking a fight with Iran will have the advantage of raising the price of oil. At least pick the smart war that might save the climate. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Lucky for you the New Year is approaching. That comment used up your annual allowance of stupid comments. Brother, what a pompous ass.