Guys do Fake Reviews for $$ now!!

I would be ok if he wrote ads for providers with his greedy hands. Many providers really could use the help.

As to fake reviews done by him. I bet they are better the most of the fake reviews done by providers greedy hands. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
This is soo true you can deffinitely see the difference between a man writing a review of a lady he might have seen and a review of a lady who is reviewing herself. I can't really tell on ECCIE but you can definitely notice a self-made review on other sites that let you see the whole story.

I think it is sad that ladies have become so reliant on reviews much less pay someone to do it for them. Like Ava said I am lucky that I have sufficient skills to gain positive reviews on a consistent basis.

and for $70 bucks my reviews should be outta this world if im going to pay IJS
I got the same damn email.

I've worked hard for my reviews over the past 2 years & it pisses me off that some asshat would write a fake review for a few bucks for a girl who probably wouldn't measure up anyway.

Reviews can be skewed enough, in my opinion, so, this just makes the entire system f*cked.

I'd also feel really sorry for the guy who shows up to meet the lady who the fake review was written on only to be severely disappointed. Ugh.
Jannisary's Avatar
It is a rather unique money making scheme. I thought TER tracked IP addresses to keep stuff like this from happening. To pull a scheme like this off the guy would have to have multiple accounts.

I kind of think its a scam. He sends out mass spamming emails and hopes that he gets some takers. Even if a fraction of the girls respond and send money for the reviews he could conceivable rake in a good sum of money.

Then if he doesn't deliver on his end of the deal, what's a provider going to do? If she complains about it on the various boards she'll be outing herself as a provider who paid for fake reviews.

My other theory is this guy is a frustrated writer of erotica who can't get legitimately published.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-27-2012, 12:25 PM
a keyboard pimp with volume discounts.

Gee, thats special.

end of sarcasim.
a keyboard pimp with volume discounts.

Gee, thats special.

end of sarcasim. Originally Posted by CJ7

Ha that's a good one. Hadn't thought of the keyboard pimp thing LOL
It is a rather unique money making scheme. I thought TER tracked IP addresses to keep stuff like this from happening. To pull a scheme like this off the guy would have to have multiple accounts. Originally Posted by Jannisary
It's actually quite easy to mask/change the IP address that you appear as, if you know what you are doing. Heck, if you have a cloud server on Amazon or similar service (which you can set up for free), you can change the server's ip address every couple of minutes if you were so inclined. and do everything from there. While the ISP would have a record of you doing that, it would eliminate the red flag that would go up if you saw a bunch of reviews from different people with the same IP.

As far as the original topic goes, I imagine most guys around here are like me in that they take who is writing the review into account in determining how accurate/valid it is. Seeing as I currently don't even have any provider reviews on this site, I imagine any review that I did post would be taken with a grain of salt by those that don't know me, particularly if it wasn't congruent with other reviews of the same provider.
Skip_8's Avatar
Hot Damn! What's next...selling pussy. The nerve!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Hot Damn! What's next...selling pussy. The nerve! Originally Posted by Skip_8
Naomi4u's Avatar
Yeah that took a lot of thought.

Actually I am not too surprised at this though. I've had guys offer to write 'stellar' reviews in return for say, BBFS. Now what makes them think I don't get good reviews on MY OWN without having to resort to that?! But just sayin...and the opposite would be a guy who threatens to write a bad review if you don't 'do' what he tells you to do. Originally Posted by alluringava

And I just thought of something. I'm highly reviewed on TER. On TER, A lot of guys are suspect about reviews being fake so they check the reviewer's history. All my reviewers have lengthy review histories dating back to before I even entered the business. How is this guy able to pull this off without people talking and not getting banned? Interesting to say the least. One site I can't afford to get banned from is TER.
Still Looking's Avatar
There are guys who take other hobbyist reviews change them up a little and let them fly! Ask me how I know! Hell I didn't get a penny! LOL

So if you read... BBBJ, FSMPC, provider slaps hobbyist and runs out of room..... question that review! Also if you read Ostrich Play that’s a dead give away! LOL
  • Sonja
  • 01-28-2012, 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Sonja
I'm not sure anyone is paying, the incredulity is in the offering... You see, men cannot resist getting 'involved' in the business or the profits, one way or another. They cant keep their greedy hands out of it. They will weasel their way in somehow.
You either need to screen better or start hanging out with a better class of gentleman!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
OK, This is Totally Out of Line. I posted this email to me- as information for YOU All and has zero reflection on my own business practices, screening, me or my clients. I have been around for at least 10 years with a solid reputation which speaks for itself and I have never been in any kind of trouble. I am incredibly careful, for myself and my clients and am an independent.
I am against men getting involved in escort business, because they are just not savvy enough and too greedy to be as careful as need be for any of our well being.
As far as escorts posting their own reviews, I wouldnt know about that. I only know about THIS situation, so deflect if you like.
Perhaps I should not inform of scams in the future if you think it is somehow going to reflect on me and mine?
Because if you check my postings, which are few, I also informed of the LE girl Sweet Seduction, her whereabouts and aliases. I also warned SWC that they were going to get in trouble by unsafe practices a good 4 months before it happened, but hey, why put Myself up for scrutiny all the time? Yeah, I never fucking learn. It must just be me. My 'Class' of gentlemen. That must be why I've never seen the inside of a jail cell.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Sonja, I and a few other reputable ladies got this email so you have nothing to worry about. Don't take Ed too seriously btw - you should hear him say half the stuff he says. He means no harm.

pyramider's Avatar
You tell him Sonja. You go girl.
i will pay for appointment and write a review. it will cost you nothing i promise.
Wow. Fail.
I thought giving free sex for a review was pathetic. Paying for one? Good God. Originally Posted by Shayla
The ironic thing is, it's not that hard to get a review approved on TER. It's easier there than here. lol