Are all conservatives traitors?

  • Laz
  • 03-08-2012, 10:58 AM
Based on your premise we are progressives not conservatives since the progressives wrote the constitution we believe in. For the record we are not against changing the constitution we simply believe it should be done using the method stated in the constitution. Since the progressives that wrote the constitution believed in a small limited federal government, and you clearly don't, what are you?
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
Do I sense a wee bit of disdain for Britain lmfao? We had an idiot King at that juncture in history. I think the majority "Britons" today can't blame ya for revolting. But, I think this thread go a wee bit off track.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Most conservatives executed for being traitors, killed in battle, or deported back to England. Deported? Where did you learn your history? That statement is false. Look up the definition of "conservative". The “change” they want is a return to the past. You are defining a "reactionary". Look it up in your dictionary.
I stated a pox on the US had nearly been eliminated. I stated conservatives claim groups always reflect their origins (such as Planned Parenthood is claimed to reflect Ms. Sanger’s oft mis-quoted and taken out of context statements) and that they are no different.
????? I stated it was good that they were executed as the traitors they were. Margaret Sanger was executed as a traitor???
You should learn to read. What broken sentences? E.g., in 'red' above. I merely pointed out their past behavior indicates their present mindset. They have focused on making a one term president at a time when America needs everyone working towards a common goal. "Your goal" doesn't equate to "everybody's goal". It never will.

What do you think should be done with people who actively work towards damaging our country? Vote them out in November! Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
mastermind238's Avatar
...a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government…

Thomas Jefferson
First Inaugural Address
March 4, 1801

Jefferson's view of "good government" couldn't possibly be more at odds with contemporary "progressive" thought. But does that make Jefferson a "Conservative" (with or without the capital C)? No.

Modern-day political labels are meaningless when applied to 18th century political actors. However, the use of the word "traitor" is less problematic. A previous poster correctly said that the real traitors - in the true sense of the word, then and now - were the Revolutionaries. No hypothetical. Just because our Revolutionary War was successful and we now call them heroes doesn't make the Revolutionaries any less traitorous to the British Crown at the time.
Not always. Not being under England's heel is an objective change for the better.

Not for the Tories.

Stop acting like you don't know who writes history. You are obtuse to a fault.

Help me understand what you mean. You mean it’s revisionist history that we won the American Revolution? Oh, I didn’t know that.

With great restraint I will not comment on the lack of thought contained in this post. Who gives a fuck about a "what if" story? The point of view I use is that of an American. An American.

So fuck off

A glorious time at the end of the Revolutionary War. Most conservatives executed for being traitors, killed in battle, or deported back to England.[/b]
.................. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman;2268837…………..
I guess this bizarre statement is how we were all to know you were speaking from an American point of view. Well I’m an American, and realize the Revolution could have gone the other way.

Liberaldevil, I think the Tories MM is referring to are the Tories, loyalists, during the American Revolution not so much the party of your beloved Mr. Churchill lol. It was probably the Yank in him .

Did you see the Iron Lady? Critics said they didn’t like it because it showed her as daft in the end. The other critics said they liked it because the showed her daft at the end.

You aren't going to tell me to fuck off are you? I liked Blair.
boardman's Avatar

.Not always. Not being under England's heel is an objective change for the better.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

Political argument....try again.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
Iron Lady was rather brilliant I thought. And, her accent was spot on! Which I can't say for many Yanks playing Englishmen in films.

As for Tony Blair--I voted for him and I liked him. But, sadly he became a wee bit too conservative at the end. The new bloke Cameron is a total nutter! If he was to have his way he'd wall up Britain and kick out all foreigners. I suppose he and John McCain would get on well together.
Motherfuckin insurgents broke in and stole the coco puffs! Ain't that some shit?
Iron Lady was rather brilliant I thought. And, her accent was spot on! Which I can't say for many Yanks playing Englishmen in films.

As for Tony Blair--I voted for him and I liked him. But, sadly he became a wee bit too conservative at the end. The new bloke Cameron is a total nutter! If he was to have his way he'd wall up Britain and kick out all foreigners. I suppose he and John McCain would get on well together. Originally Posted by liberaldevil
I may have to develop an internet crush on you Liberaldevil!

All politicians turn to bad if they are left in office too long.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Based on your premise we are progressives not conservatives since the progressives wrote the constitution we believe in. For the record we are not against changing the constitution we simply believe it should be done using the method stated in the constitution. Since the progressives that wrote the constitution believed in a small limited federal government, and you clearly don't, what are you? Originally Posted by Laz
I have not made any comments on the size of government.

I think the method of change and the method of interpretation of the Constitution are fine by me.
Too bad that isn't way our "conservative on this site" see it. Everything violates the Constitution in their minds

Thank you for asking what I am instead of telling me what I am.
I'm complicated and I don't like misinterpreters or liars, or lazy non-researchers. You know who you are.
I'll remind you.
  • Laz
  • 03-08-2012, 10:44 PM
I have not made any comments on the size of government.

I think the method of change and the method of interpretation of the Constitution are fine by me.
Too bad that isn't way our "conservative on this site" see it. Everything violates the Constitution in their minds

Thank you for asking what I am instead of telling me what I am.
I'm complicated and I don't like misinterpreters or liars, or lazy non-researchers. You know who you are.
I'll remind you. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Many of the liberal comments I see on here support the federal governments control of many things that are not stated in the constitution so I assumed you were in that camp. To me scope of control and size of government go together since one leads to the other. Sorry if I was wrong in your case.

Not all conservatives are the same. However, most of us believe that the federal government has expanded far beyond where it should based on the constitutional limitations.
Many of the posters on this site like to assume present behavior is tied to the origin of the group in it’s distant past.

Many conservatives feel this way. It’s one of the few things I agree with them on.

Let’s think back on the beginning of the conservative movement in the United States of American. They were the loyalists, the Tories, they generally fought for the status quo. You know, helping to keep the necks of Americans under the English boot. Under the direction of the Founding Fathers, progressives to a man, many were executed.
As traitors.
As they should have been.

A glorious time at the end of the Revolutionary War. Most conservatives executed for being traitors, killed in battle, or deported back to England.

Most, not all. Unfortunately.

By definition, conservatives want things to stay the same. Most will never admit some things need to be changed. Typically, they have theirs and see no reason for change.

Never forget they want no change for the better. That’s because things have to change before you find out if things are better.

Many conservatives like America failing because they are comfortable with it.

But we knew that. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I did not read anything but your origanal post.

I do not "Have Mine" but You have "Bragged about Having" your's.

I had it better but your "PRESIDENT" does not support small buisnesses. He likes "GOVERMENT" dependents.

How much "MONEY" did you make on the "CHINA" gig. We want to know. Mr Democrate...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You know Munchman tried so hard, we have to give him some credit for a vivid imagination. However, Munchman did lie about the comments on spies and hangings. You never said that and we all know it so why make the claim. Like I said the old liberals and old conservatives are not today's libs and conservatives. Like me give you a reading assignment; Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches, 4th edition, Robert Jackson and Georg Sorenson, Chapter 2, pages 28 to 55. This will clear up any confusion and you are very confused.

You see if we use your logic then democrats are guilty, so very guilty, of supporting slavery. They voted for it, they fought for it, and they tried to bring it back with Jim Crow, chain gangs, and the Klan. This is the legacy of the democrats and accordingly modern democrats are equally guilty. Whereas the GOP voted against slavery and sent young men off to war to free the slaves. The GOP voted to give women the right to vote and the GOP voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The GOP also repealed the government overreach of Woodrow Wilson (an ardent racist).

Now we all know why Munchman hates modern democrats so much. They're not trying to live up to their past hard enough. Pikers!!!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Did you actually just post in public that you condone the murder of people that don't thinck like you do? You are a perfect example of why progressives are so very dangerous. I like it when you show yourself for who you really are so we can all keep an eye on you.

You are no countryman of mine. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Yep, your "countrymen" are the retards that showed up in the summer of 2010 at the town hall meetings and other political gatherings carrying guns on their hips and shouting down those who might have the temerity to disagree with their views. Hmmm, the birth of the Cock Brothers' tool - the Tea Party. I'm surprised that you haven't sent him a gold-plated TP membership card.

This thread and 99% of the other discussions are only exercises in dumbing down events having more than one dimension in order for you and the other righties to shoehorn anything into your pitiful little boxes of "understanding."