Types of gfe

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Any comments on what makes the ideal GFE? The reason I ask is that I commented on Angels thread contrasting different approaches,and while I was praising her,it unfortunately looks like I was slamming Silly Girl. The point that I did a terrible job making is that I believe there are multiple definitions of GFE. I like the have a drink,hit the couch first approach just like I like the drop my briefcase at the door,let's get it on approach. I don't know if Silly Girl saw the original thread,but I meant no knock on her,one of the hottest women I've ever seen. Okay clarification/apology offered,now,what makes a great experience for you? Originally Posted by Fastcar
I have never really understood exactly how GFE is catagorized either! I always thought it was supposed to feel like you were with a real girlfriend, but then the chemistry would have to be awfully good for that. Personally, I think GFE is a more relaxed, non-rushed session where this is a lot of conversation, foreplay, and great sex!!! I think the more relaxed I am with the man, the better the session is for both of us. If the man feels really nervous, it makes me nervous too. It also makes me nervous when I think they expect too much.

The best sessions I've had were with men that I know enjoyed my company, were appreciative, and respectful of me. Anytime a client refuses to respect my personal boundaries, it's a huge turn-off for me.

On that note, I might add that good behavior during a first session gets rewarded tenfold.
boardman's Avatar
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Any comments on what makes the ideal GFE? The reason I ask is that I commented on Angels thread contrasting different approaches,and while I was praising her,it unfortunately looks like I was slamming Silly Girl. The point that I did a terrible job making is that I believe there are multiple definitions of GFE. I like the have a drink,hit the couch first approach just like I like the drop my briefcase at the door,let's get it on approach. I don't know if Silly Girl saw the original thread,but I meant no knock on her,one of the hottest women I've ever seen. Okay clarification/apology offered,now,what makes a great experience for you? Originally Posted by Fastcar

" I have been with so many providers that attack me at the door(love ya Silly Girl),.....Clearly, her [other provider to whom I am being compared] style is a drink on the couch first as she provides a true gfe atmosphere. "

I contacted you privately to ask why you felt the need to post that I don't provide a true gfe atmosphere seeing as how I follow YOUR lead when you arrive and don't make you feel bad about behaving how YOU feel comfortable. Instead of responding to me, several days later you post this.

Very disappointing.

For the record, I always have drinks available and only get rooms with couches for the express fucking purpose of sitting down and saying hello.
Fastcar's Avatar
You need to check your pm's. I sent a very personal apology before I posted this. I actually prefer your style and how you have always treated me. I was trying to stand up for someone that was getting picked on and I admit it looked like I was slighting you. I should have said "her interpretation of gfe" and certainly would never imply that youre not gfe. You are fucking awesome and all anyone has to do is read my reviews of you to see what I think. Let me know if you want me to resend the apology.
I never received a PM from you. I was hurt because I felt like you couldn't or wouldn't talk to me about it.

Holy shit I'm an asshole. I did get it, I just looked again.

I'm sorry. I don't know where my mind is.
Fastcar's Avatar
Of course we're friends. You rock my world girl!
DayTrader1's Avatar
GFE Textbook Definition - GFE experiences equate to monotonous sex, redundant conversation, irrational arguments, jealousy, paying $100 for dinner so she can have a headache later, lack of appreciation, their parents hating you, boredom, poor communication, neglect, infidelity, sleeping with one eye open, and eventually an enemy for life..........Well fuck that! lol - I think I'll take door #2 Bob. If you want french kissing and a weird emotional connection go join Plenty of Fish!