Save our children and their children

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Weren't you the one on the other thread who totally trusted an agency that reported solely to the Department of Commerce? Why should it bother you who controls the data? Might that mean it was slanted? Or interpreted to mean what the government says it should mean? IJS.
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  • Old-T
  • 04-24-2012, 04:13 PM
Projections are just that--projections based upon a set of assumptions. I love mental midgets who look at the bottom line number and never look at the assumptions about future events, then wonder why reality is rather different. Of course it is--at very best these CBO projections will be order-of-magnitude estimates. At best.

Look for example at projections for military systems: the F-22 was originally projected a a cost/plane price based on a buy of several 100. Then, for a variety of reasons, the number was cut well over half and--surprise--Congressional midgets (who coerced and then approved the number bought) were "shocked" at how far off the per unit cost was.

Base a budget projection on one set of numbers--don't like the answer--change the assumptions in the 2nd or 3rd decimal and get a different answer. Both side do it, both sides lie.
  • Laz
  • 04-24-2012, 04:25 PM
The bottom line is that we are headed for financial disaster if congress cannot start doing their job. With Obama we are headed there at supersonic speeds. The Ryan plan just has us going at subsonic speed but we are still headed there. Hopefully the Ryan plan is just the start of the change and not the final objective.
dont guess the world is about to end now is it?

if it is its evident the republicans are too stupid to notice or dont really give a shit. Originally Posted by CJ7

BOTH PARTIES. People, stop with the dogmatic nonsense! It's We the People not the oligarchs! Get with it! If you aren't a Have, well then your a Have Not. That's just the way it is. If you're not the top 6% in income AND net worth, you're a Have Not. Enjoy your many of us have a paid for house, or enough cash to pay it off, an annual income of $150,000 for a single person, limited debt and enough money to pay for your supper for the next year without any income? If the answer isn't ME, the welcome to We the People............and the gap between status keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-24-2012, 07:05 PM
BOTH PARTIES. People, stop with the dogmatic nonsense! It's We the People not the oligarchs! Get with it! If you aren't a Have, well then your a Have Not. That's just the way it is. If you're not the top 6% in income AND net worth, you're a Have Not. Enjoy your many of us have a paid for house, or enough cash to pay it off, an annual income of $150,000 for a single person, limited debt and enough money to pay for your supper for the next year without any income? If the answer isn't ME, the welcome to We the People............and the gap between status keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Olivia, please stop with the sanity already. Don't you understand this entire board is about "us" vs "them" and "winning"? Keep up posts like yours and we might start expecting intelligent conversations here. Now wouldn't that be a nice change?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Well my house is paid for, I do not owe anyone anything, I have no credit card debt

It really isnt that hard to do if you live within your means.

I have been able to reward my sacrifices because of it.

All it takes is some discipline and understanding the difference between what you want and what you have to have. that and hard work.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
As much as I hate to disagree with Olivia, who is adorable, there are more than Haves and Have Nots. If you look at yourself as a Have Not, you will always be a Have Not. The fact is many of the Haves used to be in the same position as the Have Nots, but instead of looking at themselves that way, they looked at the world as the Haves, and the Will Haves. Never accept the status quo. Keep advancing!

Our system makes it a lot harder for the Will Haves, because the government is in the business of picking winners, and stopping progress. But it is still possible. The government, as bad as it is, is not the strongest force in the world. The individual human spirit will still survive in some.
Olivia, please stop with the sanity already. Don't you understand this entire board is about "us" vs "them" and "winning"? Keep up posts like yours and we might start expecting intelligent conversations here. Now wouldn't that be a nice change? Originally Posted by Old-T

As much as I hate to disagree with Olivia, who is adorable, there are more than Haves and Have Nots. If you look at yourself as a Have Not, you will always be a Have Not. The fact is many of the Haves used to be in the same position as the Have Nots, but instead of looking at themselves that way, they looked at the world as the Haves, and the Will Haves. Never accept the status quo. Keep advancing! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You're adorable too

I meant to the oligarchs: the people with the top 3% of income and net worth. THEY are the real enemy of the proletariat because they have bought our politicians, agency heads and in turn department heads and federal judges and We the People have paid the price. If you are a member of the top 6% you are insulated form the ravages of the disgusting tribute paid.

I would not consider myself a Have Not. I owe for some real estate I own and that is it. No cars, no credit cards, nada. I even pay my auto and homeowner’s insurance in one lump sum.

Our system makes it a lot harder for the Will Haves, because the government is in the business of picking winners, and stopping progress. But it is still possible. The government, as bad as it is, is not the strongest force in the world. The individual human spirit will still survive in some. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
This is why my daughter is graduating college with no debt. Her college was paid for in full; her car was paid for in full; she has no debt; she has a degree in a hard science; and her graduate school will be paid for in full. This is what we have to do for our children if they are have a leg up anymore as they go out into the new world.

Well my house is paid for, I do not owe anyone anything, I have no credit card debt

It really isnt that hard to do if you live within your means.

I have been able to reward my sacrifices because of it.

All it takes is some discipline and understanding the difference between what you want and what you have to have. that and hard work. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

For many years, I lived well below my means; now I live within them. Personally, I think it’s the baby boomer, me / now generation that has played a great role in our demise and descent into “greed is good”, “more is better”, “me first”, etc attitudes that run our society now. The X-Gen picked up their parents’ batons and ran with them. We are now run by sound bites, Madison Avenue and wicked, behind the scenes conglomerates.
IF the CBO is so bad at projections (as you say), then why do you rely on them to prove your point of view?

your horseshit argument isnt logical ....its a think tank composed of economists that reports to the government ... no where, no time has ANYONE making projections of ANY kind been 100% accurate ... and you actually think theyre supposed to be? ... DURRRRRRRR.

ok, fine ... lets DUUURRRR it up, shall we? sure we shall.

lets say the CBO missed the projection, and the Ryan budget adds 97% GDP to the budget in 2060, and not 77% ..

make you feel any better? Originally Posted by CJ7
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-25-2012, 12:47 PM
BOTH PARTIES. People, stop with the dogmatic nonsense! It's We the People not the oligarchs! Get with it! If you aren't a Have, well then your a Have Not. That's just the way it is. If you're not the top 6% in income AND net worth, you're a Have Not. Enjoy your many of us have a paid for house, or enough cash to pay it off, an annual income of $150,000 for a single person, limited debt and enough money to pay for your supper for the next year without any income? If the answer isn't ME, the welcome to We the People............and the gap between status keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

you should have comprehended the numbers posted from both parties ...

one was 20% worse than the other short term, and close to 50% worse long term
you should have comprehended the numbers posted from both parties ...

one was 20% worse than the other short term, and close to 50% worse long term Originally Posted by CJ7

Ok, one is Hitler and the other is Goebbels. Both parties are two sides of the same coin. And not only are they out of control, the fox is in charge of the hen house.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-26-2012, 10:53 AM
whos arguing that?

point being, the greater of the two evils is getting props from the right just because he wears a red uniform even though he is decidedly more harmful the the debt picture


we dont really care about the debt and we dont really care if we're getting fucked worse, we just want to bitch about shit we really dont care about if we dont like you.

The End