C) An uncut penis NEEDS to be pulled back to expose the head and washed with soap and water.
For an adult 100% of course! But not in an infant or anything - synechia are there for that exact reason - to keep it closed until he's old enough to wash it himself. And ironically circumcision in this country became mainstream to stop masturbation and a man named Kellogg's flawed theory that to remove the best part of the penis would stop masturbation. While he may be right in adult men (sometimes), doing it to infants makes no difference since they don't know any different.
I had to write an omfghuge paper on this in uni comparing it to Sunna circumcision (removal of the clitoral hood only) and the "trimming" US doctors used to do on infant girls in the 50s to make them "smaller" for their husbands. I learned more than I ever wanted to know about vaginas OR penises writing that paper...