World's Biggest Employeers...Guess who is number 1

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
2Dogs, no, I understand that most, if not all, of government is corrupt. This thread was just about the Defense department.

Unfortunately, our current problems do not lend themselves to incrementalism. And there is no Libertarian leaning Republican running. We have to put the brakes on government, and reverse the trends. We can't afford to just slow things down, the cliff is too close.
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  • 06-19-2012, 11:59 AM
. And there is no Libertarian leaning Republican running. . Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

The Tea Folks are just a turd dressed up as a Tootsie Roll.

No way they are going to cut back on spending if they will not even tackle the DoD. It spends and employees the most people and scares the shit out of anybody that tries to rein it in.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
How long did it take to convert the Democrat party? Did the tooth fair do that too?
I am thinking the process started in earnest in the late 50's.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
COG, I totally agree that we need drastic measures but the people are not in place to do it.
I have always said it will get a lot worse before it gets better.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Yeah, and the DoD is going to waste more taxpayer money to support a Fag Pride month for queers in the military. Instead of getting rid of the homos, the military is suppose to embrace the fag ideology of diversity. God I can't wait until we get rid of the current resident at 1600 Penn. November can't get here fast enough!
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  • 06-19-2012, 01:50 PM
How long did it take to convert the Democrat party? Did the tooth fair do that too?
I am thinking the process started in earnest in the late 50's. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
so your goal is modeled on the DNC model!

What's a "Employeer?"
Guest123018-4's Avatar
For most Democrats, it is the government.
The rest of the Democrats have absolutely no idea what an employer is.
They have never looked for one.

WQTF, twist it any way you want. The facts are that we are forced to functrion under a two party system. The obvisous way to gain the most is to infiltrate the party. This is what the comunists and socilaists have done with the Democrat party and have been quite successful.

The fact of the matter is, each party does not want to lose an incumbent seat. Once you are in, you are in and will get the support form the party even if you are a libertarian. They will not risk losing the seat.
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  • 06-20-2012, 07:11 AM
What's a "Employeer?" Originally Posted by gnadfly
In this case,
it is a place queer like you can get a job.

WQTF, twist it any way you want. The facts are that we are forced to functrion under a two party system. The obvisous way to gain the most is to infiltrate the party. This is what the comunists and socilaists have done with the Democrat party and have been quite successful.

The fact of the matter is, each party does not want to lose an incumbent seat. Once you are in, you are in and will get the support form the party even if you are a libertarian. They will not risk losing the seat. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
No the way you stay in is to play the game. The game of buying and selling votes.

Why do you think those lying Tea Nuts in Congress that started out wanting to take on the banks are now protecting them? Taking money from them?

Keep on thinking that Tooth Fairy crap and hopefully they will leave you a Tootsie Roll under your pillow instead of a Turd. My bet is you will be eat'n Tea Turds.