Sir do you even know what this is about. Dan Cathy made a statement that he supports one man and one women only marriages and believes in what the bible says man shall not lay with another man and he contributes money to support that belief.
Now it is the same sex marriage people that JUMPED on this ban wagon and has there underwear in a bunch. In my opinion these people are the one's that blew this out of proportion and is keeping it alive. Everybody has a right to they opinion you do and I do, personal I DON'T believe in same sex marriage but others do just don't tell me I'm wrong for not believing in it.
Home depot has came out in support of same sex marriage but I did not and don't think anybody else protested and had a rally to boycott them for supporting it, that is there opinion.
It seems to me it is the gays that are pushing there beliefs down everybody's throat, and saying if you don't believe then your a hater that's BULLSHIT. If you believe in same sex marriage that's fine but if you don't then that should be fine also but in today's environment if you don't believe then your labeled a gay hater.
In my opinion if it don't hurt anybody else then do what you think is right just don't push your beliefs down my throat and don't get mad at who or what organization I donate my money to and I will give you the same courtesy this should apply to the whole USA.
Originally Posted by Hobbyfun
The Gay community is not pushing its beliefs down anybody's throat, they're campaigning for EQUAL rights. I've not yet heard a position from the gay community suggesting that all marriages must be same-sex. It is the right wing religious community that is pushing its beliefs on the gay community (and everyone else, including THIS community).
I think Dan Cathy and his ilk should be able to believe in whatever they like, and I think they should feel free to express their discriminatory beliefs just as Dan Cathy has. That's what free speech is all about. The Mayors of Boston and Chicago should feel just as free to express their opinions, provided they don't confuse opinion with governance.
However, when it goes beyond beliefs and free speech, and turns into active effort to promote intolerance and to DEPRIVE another group with different RELIGIOUS beliefs of equal LEGAL rights, that crosses the line. That's why we're supposed to have separation of Church and State in this country.