I have a problem...

The_Leopard's Avatar
I say marry her. No one fucks better than a chick who is one step from being crazy. Originally Posted by Big Jake
Are you serious? I am not ready to marry yet, until I find Ms. Right. I don't marry psychopaths, they are out of my league.

I just don't see someone threatening to steal information from me because I avoided her advances.
There is no such thing as Ms. Right. There is a Ms. Right now.

Trust me, crazy chicks are the best. Hell give her my email. carl@yahoo.com
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 05-29-2010, 04:36 PM
Yeah Carl, you need to reframe. We're talking graduate student here! Originally Posted by Booth
I was unaware that ACC offered graduate degrees. And I was also unaware that a spelling error constituted name calling. Evidently, one needs ACC graduate school classes under their belt to become aware that the term for a one piece garment worn by dancers is also used as a slur or insult among the cultural elite. I have been shamed by depth and breadth of my ignorance.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 05-29-2010, 04:40 PM
Trust me, crazy chicks are the best. Hell give her my email. carl@yahoo.com Originally Posted by Big Jake
Really? My email? Sure, Jake, kick a man when he's down.

Don't you have a stock show auction to attend?
I had to read it three times. And I am way the fuck smarter than either of you. That was a good one.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 05-29-2010, 04:46 PM
I say marry her. No one fucks better than a chick who is one step from being crazy. Originally Posted by Big Jake
Amen to that!

Plus, when it's clear that they are out of their minds, the judge in divorce court doesn't believe a single thing they say.
St.Mateo's Avatar
I think I heard St.M go grrr? Originally Posted by chris_davis

But I didnt actually say it lol

This thread isnt even hobby related If you want go to the Sandbox and play it there......