Worst Provider Ad

That is hilarious! NOW I know what people meant in chat last night!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
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A pimp to the end ..

ROFL ohhh this is the best thing EVER!!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
That is crazy. I wonder how many guys are actually okay with that? Really how many guys has Omar searched? Who the hell would agree to that?
TravelinTony's Avatar
Just don't spell "OmaR" backwards.
KenMonk's Avatar
That is crazy. I wonder how many guys are actually okay with that? Really how many guys has Omar searched? Who the hell would agree to that? Originally Posted by Brooke Wild

Well if you really look at the ad, 25, I bet guys line up around the corner for the pat down.

I also called the number last night, no answer, but i left a message. I'm gonna call it again today and hope there is an answer. (Fingers crossed).
pyramider's Avatar
No answer when I called. Must be patting someone down. I still thinck Omar is the fluffer.
burkalini's Avatar
I was gonna say that has to be the worst ad of all times and they would not get any calls. Then I remembered this is the hobby and there are nothing but geniuses doing this. Fucking phone is probably ringing off the hook.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
OMAR is a national hero now, and will probably get his own reality show. Nobody mentions the girl. She has to be a real genius also.
KenMonk's Avatar
WHo cares about the girl, Omar is clearly the star here.

I will say she looks good, just dumb.
rp's Avatar
  • rp
  • 09-16-2012, 03:57 PM
Maribel is $200. Klassy Kelly is $450. Omar is priceless.
Goddessmaria's Avatar
Can we get Omar Tshirt's made Ken?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Can we get Omar Tshirt's made Ken? Originally Posted by Goddessmaria
he already has them

It says..
Omar means a big pimp that girls wana be wit and luv him he has an extraordinary big cok and peple can neva live without him, has skills in sports and is a born leader hu gets in to trouble, is a synonym to cool, ppl look up to and admire him
and hes like a chik magnet, no girl he nows hasnt had something wit him

(From the urban dictionary)

Guess there is a reason he chose Omar? lol

You are all being a little too hard on poor Omar....There is nothing that says he's a pimp, he is just the searcher!!
Omar does not date because the word 'dating' infers the probability of failure. Omar Pimps.