The Voter Fraud That ‘Never Happens’ Keeps Coming Back

I B Hankering's Avatar
That's a silly pic. In one case, you can have a single individual kill / severely harm others whereas in the other case it's very unlikely that a single individual will have any effect on anyone else?

Different rights have always had different restrictions on them. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
Seriously??? You can post what you posted with a straight face after you and your Kool Aid sotted ilk elected Odumbo -- a community organizer who has defacto made himself judge, jury and executioner? Your notion that "it's unlikely that a single individual will have any effect on anyone else" is complete and utter bullshit.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I see you have never bought a fire arm. Last gun show I could have bought the one pictured outside the show for $1300 no questions asked.
Tell that to Anwar al Awaki's son. Oh wait. You can't. Obama killed him. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I thought you were his father.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Seriously??? You can post what you posted with a straight face after you and your Kool Aid sotted ilk elected Odumbo -- a community organizer who has defacto made himself judge, jury and executioner? Your notion that "it's unlikely that a single individual will have any effect on anyone else" is complete and utter bullshit.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Maybe if you actually read what was going on in the thread instead of foaming at the mouth and rabidly attacking everyone, you'd understand that what I said was in response to CuteOldGuy's pic comparing the right to vote to the right to bear arms.

So to clarify since you apparently don't like to actually spend time to read, I do stand by the assertion that a single individual's vote in an election will unlikely have any sort of impact on the results of the election, ie affect anyone else.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
COG, that is a great picture and comparison.

The left fails to see the irony of the consequences of their actions.
Who appoints and confirms Supreme Court Justices?
The Supreme Court decides that abortion is legal.
Abortion kills hundreds of thousands.
So in turn voting can kill innocent people.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Maybe if you actually read what was going on in the thread instead of foaming at the mouth and rabidly attacking everyone, you'd understand that what I said was in response to CuteOldGuy's pic comparing the right to vote to the right to bear arms.

So to clarify since you apparently don't like to actually spend time to read, I do stand by the assertion that a single individual's vote in an election will unlikely have any sort of impact on the results of the election, ie affect anyone else. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
No, you're wrong. You didn't qualify your post as "a single individual's vote". You posted "a single individual", and my rejoinder pointed out how "a single individual" elected by fraudulent votes can have a substantial impact on the lives of millions.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
First the liberal fuckers said that there wasn't any fraud, now they are caught and say it isn't widespread.
What is so bad about requiring a photo ID?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
$1300? You got taken pretty bad. I wouldn't be bragging about that. Wait this is a hypothetical so this means that he doesn't really know the price of certain weapons. So he is just making this up. For the record Eva, I got mine for $900 last year.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The McCaskill campaign initally denied making the ads. They were cheating by being deceitful. This comes up over and over, what is the level of voter fraud that would make you pay attention? 100 cases per election? 1000 cases per election? 100 cases per city? Convictions? 10, 20, or 100 convictions? Would you accept it then? Give me a number.
$1300? You got taken pretty bad. I wouldn't be bragging about that. Wait this is a hypothetical so this means that he doesn't really know the price of certain weapons. So he is just making this up. For the record Eva, I got mine for $900 last year. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Pleas refer to the part that( I could have). they were a $800 gun before the radical sheep all wanted one.Some on ebay have been listed for $2000.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, I noticed the "could have" but it remove all the fun. How about answering my question.
You had no question..Dismissed
jbravo_123's Avatar
No, you're wrong. You didn't qualify your post as "a single individual's vote". You posted "a single individual", and my rejoinder pointed out how "a single individual" elected by fraudulent votes can have a substantial impact on the lives of millions. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I didn't have to qualify by post with a "single individual's vote." The reasonable person reading that would already understand that given that the picture shows a single voting booth (as opposed to say an elected official) and compares it to a single gun.

But hey, you must have such amazing mind reading powers that you can tell someone what they meant by what they posted even though they say clarified otherwise.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
what is the level of voter fraud that would make you pay attention? 100 cases per election? 1000 cases per election? 100 cases per city? Convictions? 10, 20, or 100 convictions? Would you accept it then? Give me a number.

The question.
All cases of voter fraud should be taken care of.