Actually, the mayors of Houston and Dallas were big libs going back at least 30 years. Ever heard of Kathy Whitmire? Annette Strauss? Ron Kirk? Fred Hofheinz? Yeah, they were all BIG righties! LMAO!
San Antonio? One mayor since 1981 who would be considered a conservative ... At that time ... Bill Thornton. He was a Republican then. Hes still a dentist.
You obviously don't have a clue.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You obviously like to count selectively. And label every Democrat a "liberal" even when they clearly are not.
I'm not sure how you're counting, but the mayors of Houston and Dallas going back 30 years weren't all Democrats, there were Republicans in there, and they weren't liberals. And even a lot of those Democrats were conservative by today's standards and even the standards of the 70s and 80s.. The Texas conservatives you loathe so much USED to be Democrats. They moved into the GOP through the late 70s, 80s, and 90s as the Democratic Party went further left.
And you also missed the point that regardless of the politics of the particular mayor, they are kept on a leash by the state legislature and the governor, and they have been mostly conservative as well - at least by the standards of today. How would you classify Governor John Connally, who even switched parties in 1973? Is he a liberal to you because he was a Democrat?
The OP was making the point that the 9 fucked up cities in IL, CA and MI have basically suffered from nearly single party rule by liberals in both the cities and at the state level.
You tried to counter that with Houston and Dallas, but its a lousy example. The politics in those cities and in Texas state government has been a mixed bag that has been far more centrist. If Texas had had anything like the Democratic governments in IL and MI, do you think there is even a 1% chance that Texas would be a right-to-work state?
In case you missed it, I already mentioned NY above.