Town of West, Texas. Donations.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
On a serious note, what LL is doing is very commendable. It's how Americans are supposed to act when other Americans suffer a tragedy.

Kudos, LL!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You're an asshole... You think you can spew all over an deal like this and then just say "on a serious note" and everybody throws their heads back and laughs at the brilliance and wit of the Unaliar?

Pity you don't know how to act ... Ever.
I just returned to Houston late yesterday evening. I will load up the pick 'em up truck this afternoon and head on down to Gallery!

Htown can always depend on Mac to come through in a crisis!

Thanks LL, for letting me know!
LexusLover's Avatar
I just returned to Houston late yesterday evening. I will load up the pick 'em up truck this afternoon and head on down to Gallery!

Htown can always depend on Mac to come through in a crisis!

Thanks LL, for letting me know! Originally Posted by bigtex
BT .... hold the horses .... they don't want no more stuff!!!!!!

The town is reporting that the only two remaining storage buildings are full.
BT .... hold the horses .... they don't want no more stuff!!!!!!

The town is reporting that the only two remaining storage buildings are full. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Thanks, I'll just take the items to Austin next week. That is only a hundred miles away!
Why would you do that? Isn't that what we have government for? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That's right. We don't need any involvement by the government when bad things happen.

And we sure as hell don't need any involvement by the government to prevent any bad things from happening. This explosion was 100% due to federal government over regulation and excessive safety inspection. The money that the owners of this facility had to spend (due to un-constitutional federal mandates) on needless safety equipment, personnel, and practices is to blame here.
LexusLover's Avatar
This explosion was 100% due to federal government over regulation and excessive safety inspection. Originally Posted by Submodo
Please explain that to the VOLUNTEER firefighters who perished in the explosion ....
....when you see them .... oh wait ...... You may not!

Now. Go start your own rant thread, ok?

Mod's please close this thread. Thank you.
LexusLover's Avatar
Thanks, I'll just take the items to Austin next week. That is only a hundred miles away! Originally Posted by bigtex
BT, I wasn't clear. West, Texas ... the town ... doesn't want any more stuff. The town of West, Texas, lacks space for it. (Of course, if they would pass it out people would have it on their backs and it wouldn't take up warehouse space!!!! ... but who builds a school across the street from a nitrate storage facility????P)
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2013, 03:32 PM
That's right. We don't need any involvement by the government when bad things happen.

And we sure as hell don't need any involvement by the government to prevent any bad things from happening. This explosion was 100% due to federal government over regulation and excessive safety inspection. The money that the owners of this facility had to spend (due to un-constitutional federal mandates) on needless safety equipment, personnel, and practices is to blame here. Originally Posted by Submodo

what this country, and towns like West need is for simpleminded idiots like you to go crawl back under the rock you slithered out from under and curl up with your talking points memo ... and stay there.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Please explain that to the VOLUNTEER firefighters who perished in the explosion ....
....when you see them .... oh wait ...... You may not!

Now. Go start your own rant thread, ok?

Mod's please close this thread. Thank you. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Nope, no need to. Besides that would deprive Submoto from receiving responses to his comments.

As I've said many times, it's a very rare occurance that I will lock a thread in here. You post it, you own it. And you get the accolades or condemnation that comes with it.
Is there no one here who can identify sarcasm?


I was hoping this would be a prime example of the foolishness of the anti-government crowd. And I thought thick sarcasm would point that out. I was wrong.

I've made bigger mistakes, probably will continue to do so.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2013, 07:18 PM
Is there no one here who can identify sarcasm?


I was hoping this would be a prime example of the foolishness of the anti-government crowd. And I thought thick sarcasm would point that out. I was wrong.

I've made bigger mistakes, probably will continue to do so. Originally Posted by Submodo
my apology sir.

I constantly have my sarcasm fly over the heads of simpletons and now have an "eos" (end of sarcasm) disclaimer at the bottom of my post .. by missing yours I qualified for simpleton on this thread ..

carry on
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is there no one here who can identify sarcasm?


I was hoping this would be a prime example of the foolishness of the anti-government crowd. And I thought thick sarcasm would point that out. I was wrong.

I've made bigger mistakes, probably will continue to do so. Originally Posted by Submodo
Really are a lot of raw nerves around here this week. Sarcasm may not be the music that soothes the savage beasts... And we're short of neither sarcasm nor savages.