International Travel - Taking a Provider

Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
I appreciate the insight, both here publicly and through private messages. Some really good points and logistical considerations.

Thanks for the insight and I appreciate your time and consideration in response.

If there is anymore, I would welcome it. I will let you know how it goes.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Yep, I want to hear about what happens, good or bad. Especially about the coworkers' wives.
  • Sunny
  • 08-04-2010, 11:03 PM
Good question. Glad you are getting much advice.I have traveled outside the country with a client. We had lots of fun together. He paid me 10 day travel fee plus treated me like his lover. Chemisry, Class and Communication are vital. On our trip his co-workers only saw how well we got along. "Leave the Bitch at home!" LMAO McFish! that's for spouses.Have fun and enjoy!
Combustion's Avatar
Sounds like more risk/hassle than its worth since this is a business trip, pick up a local you can read some reviews here

This agency has several good reviews and they look great.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
I appreciate the insight, both here publicly and through private messages. Some really good points and logistical considerations.

Thanks for the insight and I appreciate your time and consideration in response.

If there is anymore, I would welcome it. I will let you know how it goes. Originally Posted by Big Daddy Moose
If you can find a provider here to take with you who is free and clear to travel and who is as socially adept as you are, then do it. Here's why:

1. Escorts (like everything else) in London are a lot more expensive. The price difference would likely be more than the travel costs to take one with you.

2. You would not be able to explain a UK escort 'date'. UK women know how to spot an out-of-place UK escort (accent, dress, etc.). American women are a mystery and a curiosity. Your biggest worry would be the american ex-pat wives who would all want to bond with your date.

3. You'll make a friend. If you can pull it off, you'll have shared a life experience with a woman that transcends the hourly encounters here in town.

Good luck and have a pint of bitter for me.
to anyone that i might have offended with my comment above i apologize. i should have used the term lady...
Torito's Avatar
leave the bitch at home. Originally Posted by mcfish

If you read the forum rules you will find that derogatory name calling is not allowed.

As I read the original post, I failed to find anything that indicated that this lady is a bitch.


Some providers have set rates for international travel, you may want to research what the other ladies are charging and base it off of that.

Personally I do like the idea of discussing it and coming to a mutual agreeement. If I were presented with such a trip I would politely excuse myself for 24-48 hours to think about it and come up with what I though was fair for both parties, and I WOULD consult other ladies' travel rates. I am willing to bet that whom ever you decide to bring would probably do the same.

If you bring someone who is not a complete idiot your cover will not get blown. Many of us have real lives and professions outside the hobby and it would not be too hard to get your stories straight and get the main facts about each other memorized, especially if you opt for a, "We've only been dating a few months and have so much to discover about each other still," story.
  • Sunny
  • 08-06-2010, 11:04 PM
McFish, I thought it was funny!Like the way you talk. especially when you are smacking my ass and pulling my hair!
DownForWhatever's Avatar
I've done the BYO Provider the UK. We just negotiated a flat rate for the whole trip...cuz face it...she wasn't going go get this trip on her own anytime soon. Unfortunately, the chemistry didn't click and it was an overall miserable trip.

On my next trip i stuck with the local talent...sampled a few and found one that worth hanging out with...and saved a bundle.

There's also some very good civilian talent...for free too.
pyramider's Avatar
Yep, I want to hear about what happens, good or bad. Especially about the coworkers' wives. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

The coworkers' wives . . . They will be scrutinizing your travel companion hard, especially if they knew your deceased wife. They are more effective than the FBI and CIA on gathering intelligence.
sky_wire's Avatar
I question the wisdom of mixing your private, professional, AND hobby lives. Unless you’ve known this lady for years, you’re taking a big risk. There is always the possibility that you’ll do something to make her go batshit crazy, and then who knows what will happen. It’s one thing to take a provider to Vegas. A business trip is an entirely different situation. It sounds like you may have lost sight of the nature of your relationship with this lady. She associates with you because you pay her.
Bestman200600's Avatar
You may need to take her by Macy's before you leave so that she has the right clothes.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I question the wisdom of mixing your private, professional, AND hobby lives. Unless you’ve known this lady for years, you’re taking a big risk. There is always the possibility that you’ll do something to make her go batshit crazy, and then who knows what will happen. It’s one thing to take a provider to Vegas. A business trip is an entirely different situation. It sounds like you may have lost sight of the nature of your relationship with this lady. She associates with you because you pay her.
Originally Posted by sky_wire
You mean you shouldn't shit where you eat??!!! What a novel idea.