Now this is an example of a LIBTARD who blindly follows his party. Does not read, has NO comprehension and does not care about the facts. The chart in this post shows that Obama is a fucking idiot who fucked up the economy. The liberals have been in charge since 2006 even if Bush was President. Bush was an idiot for trying to work with them. He should have told them to fuck off. Republicans warned about the housing crisis in 2005 while LIBTARDS were screaming racism and what happened?ExNYer...LOL & LOL
Does LIBTARD txranger1 read that Dumbamacare is causing people to lose money, work hours and their health insurance? Absolutely not!!!! This libtard just chants their mantra just like assup, cj7, exnyer, and every other ignorant libtard here! Dumbama picks and chooses who will follow Dumbamacare. America is suppose to be people centric not government centric. Government centric is Russia where every aspect of the government is in our life and that is Obama's goal. Worst recovery in history. Unemployment rate is going down because people are quitting the job force and giving up not because more people are becoming employed. Originally Posted by therock18