It sounds like Tracy meant it as a reminder, albeit perhaps a not so gentle one. In kind, Ginger reminds us of the human and social aspects as well. These are not mutually exclusive. Expectations on both sides need to be established beforehand and then respected and anyone who does snot, should be called out, providers and hobbyists alike.
As for the time thing, we've read the reviews and I've even met girl where an hour was agreed upon, popped at 20 minutes only to have them get dressed and not so subtly let me know we were done. Even if she was not msog, Don't advertise an hr rate if that only means one pop and leave, right! Tracy should not generalize but she included her own counter example of a social situation.
I, for one, enjoy the companionship as well as the bcd activities and enjoy meeting providers who do so as well. I repeat and return with them, treat them as they treat me and like making a connection, fully realizing the nature of the relationship. I've been exceedingly blessed to meet some great people, some of whom I would consider friends, but those relationships began by respecting the rules and boundaries, expecting nothing more.
To those who have made my visits past and present so enjoyable.... THANK YOU! (you know who you are )
Tracy, posting when aggravated can result in a potentially negative connotation in your words. After re-reading your post and ginger's and other's replies, it sounds like we're all on the same page here. Respect the boundaries/rules, make friends if that opportunity presents itself, and have fun when you can.
If you love what you do, you'll never work another day in your life