This is TERRIBLE... but funny..

ck1942's Avatar
Maybe there's a time and place where you can auction the toys.

Or door prize?

LOL! That is awesome Jenn! Hopefully like Candi said, you just blessed their sex life
So the last thing left in my apt to sell was my 6 foot tall gold panel mirrors. ( Some of you know them well... lol )Judging from the person who purchased them and his PERSISTENT REQUEST TO HOLD THEM FOR HIM, I am CERTAIN they will be hung on the wall in a rent by the hour NO-tel somewhere, and their INTENDED actions will continue...

As I helped him carry them down the stairs, I had the funniest thoughts. One was, " Thank GOD I this is the LAST time I have to move these mofos." The second was, " If these MIRRORS could talk, jeez I'd hate to see the indictments that would be handed down! "