The problem with asking for the rate is that a lot of ladies may feel uncomfortable with this, as It can be incriminating. If the lady has screened you and feels comfortable she may talk about her rate and even her activities with you, if not she will (should) refer you to her website for info. If she refers you to her reviews, that's where it can get kinda ambiguous.

If a lady is saying she is GFE and PSE AND has a different rate for those, then she should explain it. I have always understood PSE to be CIM and Greek included. Obviously not all porn stars do those activities, but this is the hobby and we merely use acronyms to shorthand activities.
Marshpirate's Avatar
Face down
Ass in the air!! Originally Posted by SknyDiva
As the song goes Diva, "Thanks for the Memories."

I think in most cases, a good provider will help you lay out a game plan.
Like start and finish GFE.
In the middle, PSE.

Like LL says, it's basically a matter of interpretation. As long as both parties are clear before the romp in the hay.
SknyDiva's Avatar
As the song goes Diva, "Thanks for the Memories."
Lets make More!!
ESwho'snext?'s Avatar
As the song goes Diva, "Thanks for the Memories."
Lets make More!! Originally Posted by SknyDiva
I so wish I would have been home to make that memory a double with you and Lolita.
jpbiloxi's Avatar
I am an admitted noob who has only seen one provider in my life - sad, I know - but it's my understanding that PSE is a different rate with different activities one should first discuss with the provider. The whole arrangement is based on a certain level of communication and at worst, she will not be interested.

Having spoken to a couple of pros about this, I'm under the impression that inquiring before an appointment is a good thing as it avoids misunderstandings during your visit.

As for what is offered, it is more attitude than menu, I suppose. CIM, COF, sloppy/wet/humming BBBJs, dirty talk, and more is expected by many of us. Greek is usually "depending on" for reasons we all understand, if it 's offered at all. It seems to me that even if all those options are available, there is a certain attitude that comes with it no matter what. Porn is about the girl being slutty and loving it. A PSE should reflect that, I believe.

I guess it depends on the provider and her (and your) ability to communicate expectations. Then it's about her ability to provide that fantasy.

The next question is, how many think bareback is PSE? My understanding is it really isn't. We do this for fun (and profit), not to get tested for STDs every month.
Bareback is stupid IMHO, not PSE.

Not unless you have a great sugar daddy/baby set up and you get tested REGULAR. Even then ....... Aids kills. Herpes is for life!
ESwho'snext?'s Avatar
Bareback is stupid IMHO, not PSE.

Not unless you have a great sugar daddy/baby set up and you get tested REGULAR. Even then ....... Aids kills. Herpes is for life! Originally Posted by gregster

HERPES = The gift that keeps on giving.
getsum69's Avatar
PSE is just like you see in the movies.
.just nasty and raw. GFE to me is more like get to relax, take our time. Shit...The pussy ain't going no where. So you know I aint. Just more intimate! !
getsum69's Avatar
Regardless of it all...I'm gonna get mine. And I'll make damn sure you get yours!! Ya beta ask somebody!! But please ladies and gents.....Always wrap that rascal!! That is all.
SknyDiva's Avatar
Bareback is stupid IMHO, not PSE.

Not unless you have a great sugar daddy/baby set up and you get tested REGULAR. Even then ....... Aids kills. Herpes is for life! Originally Posted by gregster
No truer words ever spoken
Marshpirate's Avatar
No truer words ever spoken Originally Posted by SknyDiva
IMHO, with the talent we have here, CFS is only part of the whole experience. Our providers are providing more than just blissful release. They provide the proper fantasy customized for you. (GFE, PSE, BDSM, the list goes on) A safe, clean environment. Emotional and physical therapy. And safe sex, which, quite literally, can save your life. A lot of "johns" will stick their penises just about anywhere without thinking. You know, all of that blood has left the important part of our body (brain) and pooled at the most important part, lol.

Pick your provider wisely, she won't let you down.
I'm a rookie as well, by the way. My preference is GFE. Or in Diva's case, SDE.
ESwho'snext?'s Avatar
GOD tells Adam "I have good and bad news for you".
Adam says "okay go ahead".
GOD continues "Unlike Eve, you have a BRAIN and a PENIS. The BAD news is that you only have enough blood to run one at a time!"
Marshpirate's Avatar
GOD tells Adam "I have good and bad news for you".
Adam says "okay go ahead".
GOD continues "Unlike Eve, you have a BRAIN and a PENIS. The BAD news is that you only have enough blood to run one at a time!"
Originally Posted by ESwho'snext?
Good one!
DallasRain's Avatar
cute joke!

{I just call my "experience" a twisted gfe!.....I try mix it all, up into a ball of fun}
I have to clean the coffee on my keyboard now! But it was worth it! Funny stuff, ES!