Thanks! Time waster? Seriously?!?!
It was a genuine inquiry, attempting to spur some discourse... Guess Sexecutioner doesn't know that big word. From someone hiding behind a new account, time waster seems more appropriate for you. Originally Posted by Netx9
I for one can say he is not a time waster..Been BCD with him not true at all so makes you wonder where they get this B/S from ..Who cares...Your good to go in my book..If you really want to know some of my time is wasted time NOT .I offer 1 1/2 hour sessions..time wasted I think not.I go haver drinks with friends I go see cocerts with friends Time wasted I have all the time in the world.Sounds like someone has been with too many clock watchers..Time wasted..Not.What a dumb ass thread..And you say us hookers start dumb ass threads..Plz..
Just Saying...