I know this, I like the female genitalia whether on a person considered a spinner or someone called voluptuous. I like it!!!! I am more attracted to thin ladies, but I do enjoy some more curvy women. I am not that attracted to women that are not in my age group, just think the conversation is lost. A person within 6 years of my age understands where I am in life and the conversation seems to flow better. No, I am not in college any more and I do not have papers due, no I do not have young children anymore, no I am not retired and I did not fall and can't get up! So, for me age is important when booking, just me.
That being said I have seen some gorgeous 21 year old ads!! But I have never booked a session with one, youngest I have ever gone is 26 and I had the feeling she had to do some growing up never repeated with her, but she was a knock out!!! Oldest I gone is 47 again very little in common. And I would consider the 26 year old a spinner.