So are you saying a man should never give his personal information to ladies....ladies that if they think a bad review will hurt their business can fuck up his world with a lying batshit crazy alert or worse?
You have much more gold in that post but I'm gonna focus on this.
You do understand why all these reviews are glowing....because tricks do not want you ladies to counter an honest review with blacklist material in retaliation.
The bad reviews are on bp ladies or Asian spa's ladies, ladies that have no chance at retaliating. See how that works? We got ladies and Gents arguing that it is some how wrong to have a handle on here and a different handle on say P411. How do you feel about that?
Originally Posted by WTF
In a perfect world, both parties would be respectful;
Of confidentiality & boundaries.
Unfortunately both of those get violated, at times.
This is not even accounting for BSC people, or simple human error (accidentals.)
I think that a man's safest bet is to give his information to a screening service, such as P411, or ONLY a
reputable provider ON ONE CONTINGENCY, that he behaves (respects boundaries; donation, time, rules, in general is "respectful"...etc.) as a good client does.
(You do realize if you assault a hooker, the hooker presses charges, that if she files a police report, and she subsequently contacts P411 WILL get involved to verify his info's... right? As well they should! That is a BAD client.)
Now, does writing a bad (YET HONEST) review qualify him as being a bad client?
However, reviews are not 100% honest 100% of the time.
There are abuses towards the ladies on that end also.
I would assume if a client screens (as a noob) giving up his info's, proceeds with session and subsequent review, positive or negative (yet HONEST) that there would be no reason for "retaliation" from said provider....
I know I WOULDN'T.
(I've had a coupe of 7/7's on TER that yes, ran me a bit sour. Not one complaint in the whole review, yes providers can read it ALL over there... and yet a 7/7? It read like a 10/10 or at least a 9/9... But I digress.) I swallowed my 7/7 and kept it moving.
Heck, I even sent him a "Thanks for the review" note, even though... yeah, I didn't feel great about the 7/7.
Now do all ladies act like I do? No.
Now.... had he said something personally embarrassing
(hasn't happened to me yet.... that I KNOW of... however, I have seen reviews or rather commentary after the reviews.... where men have said horribly hurtful things towards or about the lady, obviously due to speculation on the commentary...) how would I react?
Personally, I would hope I would be able to keep my bearings and act like a dignified lady, a true professional, & learn from any criticism, as though it were truly constructive
instead of being intended to be totally disparaging and derogatory.
It is a skill I am still in the process of learning, however.
And many hooktards, have less bearings than I.
Scary, right?
On another note, I once screened a fellow, who had little CRED's in the Hobby world, when I looked on the blacklist... some B***** had marked down that he liked to "wear adult diapers" (which I found to be untrue.)
I am aware of the stuff some hooktards do;
And it is yet another role in a providers duty to not only distinguish the truth from a Gentleman but often times the truth of what is being said about him, in order to figure out if he is actually a desirable client or not.
A lot of murky water around here....
Do I think it is wrong for a man to have a separate P411 identity from his Eccie handle?
If he is using it for the sake of protection and honesty, No.
I can completely understand why he would do so.
Now, if he is using a separate P411 so that he is enabled to prolifically post as a TROLL
and to be abusive (dishonest) on his reviews?
Yes I see that as wrong, I do not think that it would be right or ethical, and most certainly abusive.
Then again, a man could very well have them separate so that he may do both.
And that.... is not just. Nor right either.
There is no tip toeing on what is right.
If you do so to be abusive at any point; It is wrong.
The same as a hooktard violating confidentiality, and in essence, victimizing her client. She is then the abuser of sacred information.
I do see how this is a relevant issue and a huge concern for the men on Eccie and the solution is somewhat of a conundrum. I wish the mods LUCK... Seriously... And St.C.... it is a real pickle.
On TER (with memberships, be it paid or by reviews, with VIP) members are allowed an "Alias" (like an Alternative handle) they are allowed to post with, review with, and message with.
I don't have the answer to this issue on Eccie. I wish I did. Perhaps they could implement something along those lines?
(Although I gather they use some pre-formatted forum system... so I dunno about the technicalities of this... of what is possible and what isn't....)
But yes, there are some MAJOR issues and undercurrents going on.
On that I can agree with.
Just like how does a lady know that a man isn't telling lies about her in the ROS?
The only way would be for some other man (WK) to violate Eccie rules (sharing PRIVATE ROS) in order for her to find out; Or for her to break the rules and use a MANDLE, also a violation of the rules.
Yet this does not discount the fact that she has been abused with falsehoods.
There is a lot of room for improvements for Eccie... on both ends.
But only when people actually discuss and admit what the truth is, are they actually able to constructively work towards betterment all the way around.
Thankyou for the warning... BTW.
I know I am walking on eggshells... but better than on a cushy bed of lies, imho...
But I prefer to do so, as long as I carry the sword of truth.... So be it.
Wheel, or no wheel... It does not change the truth, nor my ethics.
Maybe someone did say the "over-sharing" aka OUTING wasn't right.... But then again, I can't quote shit from Infoshare, NOW CAN I?
Stop eluding and stick to what you KNOW;
Not hearsay.
And I will thank-you kindly, not to compare me to a bigot.
Foxy reveals that whores (Fancy among them) have been outing you (Data) fucktards to every whore and pimp with access to infoshare........that is worth the price of admission to this threAD.........carry on
Originally Posted by dearhunter
Glad to entertain.
Lunch will be served soon.
We will be serving boiled whore-bones, tossed salad, & sour butter-milk.
For dessert we will be having humble-pie ala-mode.